40 weeks and a mirror: when selfies immortalize pregnancy, from the first weeks to birth

The project, which is called "40 Weeks & A Mirror", collects the beautiful self-portraits of Sophie Starzenski, an Argentine photographer. A wonderful photographic journey that immortalizes the path that a woman undertakes during pregnancy, from the first weeks up to the birth of the baby. The photos, although simply taken in front of a mirror, in a location that is not particularly glamorous or studied, are truly beautiful and show, once again, the miracle of life.

© www.sophiestarzenski.com Pregnancy in selfie: 9 months of photos See also

Breast in pregnancy: how it changes from the first weeks until breastfeeding

Fifth month of pregnancy: what happens in these weeks?

Sixth month of pregnancy: what happens in these crucial weeks?

See also:
Where to give birth? Tips for choosing the most suitable place to deliver your baby
"Mom, do we do yoga?" The tender images of a little girl doing yoga with her mother
Video / 9 months with you: a couple's sweet idea to remember pregnancy. Other than photo albums!
Kids: the funniest videos from the web

Tags:  Marriage Love-E-Psychology Fashion