Slimming herbal teas: the best to lose weight naturally

If you have just been on a diet and want to boost your metabolism to lose weight, drinking a slimming herbal tea can be an excellent solution. Some herbs, in fact, contain active ingredients capable of draining and purifying our body. Made with natural ingredients, they help you feel less the stimulus of hunger. By the way, have you ever tried blueberry and basil lemonade to deflate? Check out the recipe in the video below.

How slimming herbal teas work

Weight loss teas, while not a miracle potion that promises to make you lose weight effortlessly, are still a great way to boost your metabolism and help eliminate toxins. The herbal tea is nothing more than an "infusion of herbs in hot water but, if you choose ingredients with purifying properties, it becomes a smart, economical and natural solution to lose weight. Some herbs, in fact, have diuretic and laxative properties, very well known by popular tradition.

Slimming herbal teas work because, being rich in water, they stimulate diuresis and, consequently, also the disposal of toxins; they also contain many fibers that help to feel less the stimulus of hunger and to reduce the absorption of fats. Taking a purifying infusion for a certain period of time helps to reduce water retention, speed up digestion and improve circulation; one of the most popular natural remedies to reduce overweight because it exploits the power of plants.

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Do slimming herbal teas have any contraindications?

In order for an herbal tea to have a certain fat-burning effect it must be taken regularly: drink one to three cups a day for at least two weeks - a month is the minimum to begin to see some effect on the body. You can drink them at any time of the day. day but, having an immediate hunger-breaking effect, they are excellent if consumed as an accompaniment to the mid-day snack. Better not to sweeten them because sugar (in addition to increasing blood sugar and calories) contrasts with the diuretic and purifying effect of herbs.

Slimming herbal teas have no particular contraindications because they are based on natural herbs, however, especially if you suffer from certain diseases or if you are allergic, it is preferable to consult your doctor. In addition, the plants could interfere with some drugs so it is better to ask your pharmacist, herbalist or doctor for advice. Be careful even if you are pregnant or breastfeeding: in this case do not do your own thing but first ask the opinion of a doctor.

If you choose to prepare the herbal tea with plants collected by yourself, pay attention to the area where you pick them: it must not be polluted, so trust only if you know it well; in case you don't want to risk it, herbal mixes are available in herbalist shops and pharmacies, ready to be consumed.

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Where to buy slimming herbal teas?

If this article intrigued you, here's where you can buy slimming herbal teas to sip at any time of the day.

  • Slimming herbal tea in leaves - discover it on offer on Amazon
  • Slim Tea For Weight Loss - special offer on Amazon
  • Balances Slim and Online Herbal Tea - at a special price only on Amazon
  • Weight Loss Herbal Tea - Special Offer on Amazon
  • Draining tea leaves for weight loss - find out their special price on Amazon

The best herbal teas for weight loss

To prepare a slimming herbal tea you must first buy a blend prepared with natural ingredients. This will then be left to infuse in boiling water for a few minutes and finally consumed. Here are the best herbal teas for weight loss and fat burning:

The variety of coffee that is used to prepare this herbal tea is the green one: the coffee is harvested just before its beans become ripe and is one of the most famous stimulating ingredients. The ingredients for a cup of herbal tea are:

  • A cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of coffee beans

The procedure is simple, just chop the coffee beans with a grinder or a blender and then infuse them in a cup of very hot water for at least ten minutes. Finally filter the liquid and drink it warm.

Ginger is a very famous fat burning ingredient. The ingredients for this infusion are:

  • A small piece of fresh ginger root
  • A jug of water
  • A few slices of lemon for the richer version

Peel a piece of ginger root and put it to boil for ten minutes in a jug of water. Add the lemon slices for a more purifying effect. Filter the liquid and drink it warm.

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  • 5-6 mint leaves (preferably peppermint)
  • Waterfall

Infuse the mint leaves in a jug of boiling water (at least 80 ° hot). Allow to cool, then filter and drink.

Yerba mate is a plant with calming and purifying properties that especially helps those who have a diet that is too rich in fat or those who want to embark on a detox period. It is found in specialized shops contained in practical sachets but you can also use the dissolved dry grass.

  • 1 teaspoon of dry yerba mate or a sachet
  • Waterfall

Boil some water and pour one sachet for each cup. Leave it immersed for ten minutes, let it cool and then drink.

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