How to throw up to free yourself: tips and risks of self-induced vomiting

How to throw up to free yourself when your stomach has ingested something harmful? Self-induced vomiting, in extreme cases, can be necessary, but beware: inducing vomiting involves numerous risks and your whole body is affected by the side effects. There are many people who suffer from eating disorders (from anorexia nervosa to bulimia) who seek advice on how to throw up after eating: know that it is possible to heal, you must not be ashamed of your frailties. Often those who cry are stronger!

How to throw up: First of all, make sure it's necessary!

Vomiting, as we know, is not pleasant at all, but in some cases it may be necessary to get rid of: when, for example, something poisonous or harmful to your body has been placed in the stomach, or if you have drunk a lot and is very ill. In these cases, self-induced vomiting may be the only remedy.

If you can, however, try to do everything you can not to throw up. Try to quell the nausea by taking a sweet drink in small sips (a cola or fruit juice is fine, but avoid citrus ones that are acidic to your stomach!). Nausea also worsens to the point of causing vomiting if you keep moving and exercising when you feel it: so try to rest, but with some pillows under your back ... it's one of the best natural remedies!

If you feel very nauseous (as is often the case with pregnant women), try to figure out if you really need to throw up. The symptoms of your body that tell you that you are close to doing it are: waves of excessive heat, sweats, paleness of the lips, increased salivation, dizziness and severe pain in the stomach. In some cases, however, even if you really feel like you have to vomit and have the symptoms described above, you will find that it is not necessary, despite the unbearable nausea.

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How to induce vomiting to free yourself

We then come to the advice on how to throw up with as little discomfort as possible. First of all, let the stomach reject the food itself - in most cases, if necessary, it will do it by itself. If, on the other hand, you have no choice but to self-induce vomiting, you can try to stimulate it with different systems.

The first way to throw up easily is to put two fingers down your throat. Go and stimulate the uvula with your fingers and nausea and vomiting will come in no time. The fingers in the throat can also be replaced by other tools such as sticks, cutlery, a toothbrush, to be used in the same way.

Watching someone vomit can induce vomiting as well and be helpful. An effective solution to vomit can therefore be to look for videos online, even if it certainly won't be a good show ... Finally, there are some specific drugs for vomiting to be taken orally, but they are - obviously - prescribed by the your doctor with whom it is always good to consult. No to do it yourself!

How to throw up thanks to natural remedies

Among the most effective natural remedies to induce vomiting when you have nausea is to drink warm water with mustard, to be dissolved inside while the water is still hot. Wait for the water to cool and then drink the concoction all in one gulp! Just wait half an hour to throw up.

Another of the most used natural remedies always involves the use of warm water, but with salt dissolved in it. After you have vomited, drink some more water (with nothing inside, of course)! It will help you remove the sour taste, without leaving your stomach empty.

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Advice on how to throw up with as little discomfort as possible

Vomiting inevitably involves some discomfort, especially when you are not at home and you can not use your toilet (better to avoid the sink because it could get clogged more easily). If you are outdoors and, for the reasons we have seen, you need to throw up, always try to do it as far as possible from other people's possessions. If there is a grassy space, prefer it to asphalt.

Always try to keep your hair tied or get someone to help keep it behind your head so it doesn't get dirty. Keep calm as much as you can and don't worry too much about what others will think - your health is more important than everything else! Take deep breaths and lean over the cup or lawn, without frightening yourself.

So that the health of the sinuses is not affected, try - if possible - to plug your nose, so that the gastric juices of the vomit do not penetrate through the splashes. If it gets dirty, clean the vomit well from inside and out.

If you suffer from nausea and you often vomit (this is the case of pregnant women) always carry a plastic bag for emergencies ... you don't always have time to go to the bathroom to throw up!

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Risks and consequences of self-induced vomiting

After explaining how to throw up to free yourself when it is really necessary, it will be good to inquire about the side effects and risks that self-induced vomiting causes to our body. Inducing vomiting, in fact, is dangerous, especially if it is done frequently and if it is linked to an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

The self-induced vomiting affects the tooth enamel with its acidity, which suffers a lot, as well as the mucous membrane of the mouth, leading to problems both at the level of the tongue and the gums: there may be tears or visible damage to the salivary glands. Another side effect of inducing vomiting is halitosis or the presence of abrasions on the back of the hand that rubs the incisors. It is not only the enamel of the teeth that is corroded by the gastric juices!

In the worst cases, self-induced vomiting can cause lesions and ulcers to the esophagus and stomach, problems with intestinal functioning, chronic diseases and even rupture of the stomach itself.

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What to do if you suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia?

Inducing vomiting is a typical behavior, as we have already said, of those suffering from eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Those who suffer from these disorders feel a real psychological liberation thanks to self-induced vomiting and tend to provoke it after eating, even every day, in order to lose weight. The health, both physical and psychological, of these people is really at great risk. It is not uncommon for those suffering from anorexia or bulimia to seek online advice on how to throw up to lose weight and feel leaner: in these cases, all the advice on self-induced vomiting can be very dangerous.

If you think you have this disorder, don't hesitate to consult your doctor or go to a psychologist or a dedicated help group. You're not alone! Know that there are many people who suffer from it and who are able, with a little help, to overcome this problem and heal.

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