4 techniques for perfect fellatio: all the secrets that the "deep throat" technique reveals to you

How many times has it happened to us during an oral study to have that unpleasant feeling of choking? In a moment our oral relationship could turn into a horror movie scene, and we fear not only of going into pulmonary embolism but also of making a bad impression on our partner. In general, if you want to improve your performance and guarantee an above average fellatio, there is the deep throat technique and here are some tips to practice it and make your performances to a higher level, and more! When they bite larger prey you will not run away like the protagonist of this video does:

1. Practice

Humans have a natural reflex that prevents things from going down the gorge. How can we control that sensation that we might associate with retching? We suggest you push the tongue towards the throat, in order to accommodate the penis while limiting the effort.
It is possible to learn to control these reflexes and insert objects in the mouth, but you have to practice sir. If your partner wants to walk the aisle of passion with you, then he will be ready for practical experimentation, while you will improve one inch at a time.

See also

Fellatio: all the tips to drive him crazy

Kisses on the neck: all the secrets to drive your other half crazy

6 techniques to experience maximum pleasure through masturbation

2. Search for the location

Apparently there are two positions that make it easier for the ship to enter the canal: one sees you on your back with your head dangling on the bed and the receiver behind you, the other is a classic 69.The search for a perfect throat-host alignment is the result of experimentation because each throat is unique and also each penis. But there will be a click and you will find the optimal position for you.

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3. Breathe through your nose and stop if you are in pain

Like a Yoga session, the body relaxes with the right breath and rhythm. Try to take slow, deep and controlled breaths while performing the act. Inhale deeply before taking a bite and don't hold your breath. The nose is the only way to breathe while the throat is engaged. But be careful! If you feel pain, stop. However you are practicing something very delicate and try hard, yes, but hurt yourself ... better avoid it!

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4. Go very slowly

Despite imagining the opposite, also because of porn, deep throat is more of a mileage marathon than a sprint. If you start rushing things, you could damage the sensitive throat tissue. At first, focus on going slowly down your partner's penis and stop when you reach an uncomfortable point. Those who go well go slow and go far. Very far.

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After deepening your throat skills, we recommend that you focus on another type of "G" ...

Tags:  Actuality Fashion Old-Couple