November 22 and zodiac sign: are you sagittarius or scorpio?

If you were born on November 22, you are halfway between the sign of Scorpio and that of Sagittarius and, therefore, you are influenced by both of these signs. Discover the characteristics of your personality based on the horoscope: love, health, success, ... Here is what the future holds for those born on November 22. And if you want to know how much you have to sleep according to the zodiac wheel, do not get lost this video ... Astrology can hold some nice surprises!

Who was born on November 22 is Scorpio or Sagittarius?

Those who were born on November 22nd are at the apex of the cusp between the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. The first runs from October 23 to November 22, while the second from November 22 to December 21. What to do , therefore, if you were born on the 22nd of this month? You have to look at the time of birth and the year. The Sun (on which our zodiac sign depends) changes sign every year at a different time, in fact for how long it concerns the passage between scorpio and sagittarius, sometimes this happens on the 22nd, sometimes on the 23rd. Therefore, the correct sign must be checked with a table showing the hours, months and years, which takes into account this astrological anomaly . Only in this way will you be able to establish your own horoscope.

Based on these calculations, if you are born before a certain time, you will be Scorpio, if, however, you are born after, the sign will be that of Sagittarius. In order not to get confused there are numerous digital calculators also on the net, otherwise there is always the calculation by hand, but it could be a bit complicated.

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The characteristics of the sign of scorpio

Those born under the sign of scorpio (so until November 22) are strong, magnetic, stubborn and impetuous personalities. This zodiac sign does not like conventions and, instead, adores artistic expression and creativity, in fact it goes very well with Pisces and Aquarius. Scorpio hates following rules and can have a rebellious and provocative nature. however, if he can channel his energies adequately he finds his way and achieves great success.

In his work he needs to express his strong personality, in fact he hates the conformism typical of certain signs such as that of the bull and the libra, moreover, if he is in contact with a fiery lion, sparks may not always be beneficial. In love, the scorpion loves with passion: he loves organizing madness with his partner and likes to surprise him. He is quite faithful and if he falls in love he will gladly fix his head. Venus influences the scorpion who cannot resist the urge to always arrive first, even in love.

See also: Chinese horoscope: what sign are you?

© alfemminile Chinese horoscope: what sign are you?

Scorpio in general gets along well with the signs of earth and with those of water, while it does not have a good feeling with the other representatives of the horoscope. Here are its affinities:

Earth signs
Virgo (September-October)
Taurus (April-May)

Fire signs
Aries (March-April month)

Water signs
Cancer (July-August)
Pisces (January-February)
Scorpio (October-November month)

And here, on the other hand, with those who really don't get along:

Aquarius (February-March)
Capricorn (December-January month)
Sagittarius (November-December)
Libra (September-October)
Gemini (June-July)

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The characteristics of the sign of Sagittarius

Those who belong to the sign of Sagittarius are, of all the representatives of the zodiac, the one who most loves to explore and dedicate themselves to adventures. He is optimistic, outgoing, at ease in public and loves to always conquer new goals. Sagittarians love change both in life and in work, in fact they only achieve success when they can give vent to their dynamism. They are very apt for all professions. where you have to be center stage because they love to talk, but they are also gifted with a great altruism.

In love they are playful and, as long as they don't meet the right person, they can also be a bit unfaithful. When they fall in love, however, they become serious, faithful and care about protecting their family. In general it is a fiery, passionate sign. and with whom you never get bored. The more the years pass, however, the more for him, as for all the other signs, the desire to spend more time with his family emerges and in this sense the Sagittarius is very much at at ease in domestic life. In general, the influence of certain planets (such as Venus or Pluto, in the case of Sagittarius) modifies some aspects of the personality, but a lot always depends on the ascendant, which is calculated from the time of one's birth .

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Sagittarius agrees with:

Aries (March-April month)
Gemini (May-June)
Leo (August-September)
Libra (September-October)
Scorpio (October-November month)
Pisces (January-February)

Sagittarians are full of optimism, are joyful and very direct. They are also loyal companions, although they often have "their heads in the clouds", as, like many fire signs, they love to indulge in events to escape monotony. On the downside they tend to have very moody personalities and are prone to distraction. Sometimes, then, they exceed with the altruistic instincts and tend to squander the money even with those who do not repay them with the same loyalty.

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The Sagittarius, on the other hand, does not agree with:

Taurus (April-May)
Cancer (July-August)
Virgo (August-September)
Capricorn (January-December month)
Aquarius (February-March)

In general, in the complex system of the zodiac the signs have a certain affinity with those opposite them, while they usually do not agree too much with those just before the astrological wheel.

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Were you born on November 22nd? Here is how you are and what are the characteristics of your sign

It is said that if you were born on this day, that is November 22, then you have a personality as strong as the elements of nature and that you love to fight without ever losing heart. You can't stand injustices (a typical element of water signs such as scorpio), but not to remain too still (exactly like Sagittarius). For belonging to the fire sign of Sagittarius you are characterized by a great sense of freedom, as well as the desire to achieve what you have in mind.

Those born during the twenty-second day of the "eleventh month of the year" have a revolutionary and decidedly strong spirit, in line with the characteristics of the dominant planets.
The salient trait of those born on November 22 is magnetic charm, just like that of the scorpio, influenced by the great charge of the passionate Sagittarius. Seduction, for you, is a very important business and sometimes you do not disdain to forget everything and everyone to live your life as you deem it more right. Your goal is to conquer: you do it through the intensity of your emotions or with your refined taste. You certainly do not go unnoticed and you are a true volcano of energy. Sometimes, however, it may seem like your goal is just that. to catch another prey.

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According to astrology, the signs of the winter months (such as January, December, November, October and March) retain great energy, and this idea seems to be confirmed by the characteristics of those born on November 22nd.

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