Zoloft Makes You Fat: Do Sertraline Tablets To Treat Depression And Mood Disorders Really Make You Fat?

Many wonder if Zoloft makes you fat or not. By reading this article you will find out everything there is to know about this drug and any side effects, such as weight gain. If you are trying to lose weight, you need to eliminate certain foods that can hide sugars from your diet. Watch this video and get ready to get back in shape without stress and fatigue, with the right nutrition every day!

Zoloft makes you fat: we know better this drug in use against depression and how it could promote weight gain

The drug called Zoloft can be used to treat depression with and without panic attacks. These film-coated tablets are also used to prevent recurrent depression in adults or in the case of social anxiety disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (so-called PTSD). Zoloft coated tablets work because they increase levels of serotonin, the brain's messenger that improves mood and relieves panic attacks and anxiety. Sometimes this drug is also recommended in case of elevated symptoms in premenstrual dysphoric disorder condition. To see the first effects of this drug, which we reiterate in every cso, it must never be taken without the advice and prescription of a psychotherapist or neurologist, you have to wait a week but the true therapeutic effect manifests itself even after a month from the first. administration. The side effects of this drug should not be underestimated as serotonin causes drowsiness, dizziness, tremors, numbness and tingling, akathisia, a pathological condition that makes it impossible to stay still and causes continuous movement and impaired normal coordination. Zoloft also contains sertraline, which can promote seizures. Often when we talk about antidepressants it is believed that they can make you fat, in reality the question is much more complex because it is not always the antidepressants that make you gain weight but also different habits or components come into play, such as lifestyle of the patient, therefore it is not always a question of simple side effects.

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Zoloft makes you fat: is it possible to find an increase in intake with Zoloft?

Very often when we talk about antidepressants, such as mirtazapine or fluoxetine, we also talk about the risk of weight gain. Gaining weight when taking antidepressant therapy is one of the many possible but infrequent side effects. However, it is not a certainty and many patients, most fortunately, do not notice an increase in appetite or body weight. There are also other antidepressants, such as bupropion, trazodone, vortioxetine that have an even lower risk of weight gain. So why does someone on antidepressant drug therapy eventually get fat?
Some patients begin to feel better, gain weight, eat more and gain weight as a result.
The reduction of appetite disappears along with the other symptoms of depresson but it is certainly not true for everyone, think that some feel an inexplicable need to eat. Depression often has opposite symptoms, certainly a characteristic common to all patients is a loss of pleasure to eat. To fully understand this phenomenon think about sleep. Sometimes depressed people have insomnia, other times patients with depression sleep all day. Opposite symptoms, but what is always common during depression is that sleep is never really sleep. restful.
The increase in appetite when taking antidepressants is often accompanied by an excessive interest in sweets, but it is not the only cause. Antidepressants often cause a sense of satiety, and make the mouth dry, increasing the desire for drinks.

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Zoloft makes you fat: the role of antidepressants and how to counteract the side effect of weight gain

This side effect can of course be avoided. Gaining weight when suffering from depression is often a double problem: depressed people when they gain weight feel even more fatigued, sleep worse, struggle to find a partner or even feel comfortable in a common social life. Weight gain affects the quality of life of overweight people. Depression is a disease that should never be underestimated: often antidepressants are the only solution and help you to reconstruct the pieces of your life and your history. For those who are depressed, nothing makes sense, everything that lives every day is useless, neglect, Depression, if neglected, can worsen and can even lead to the choice of dying, which is why in any case and in any case depression must be treated, always, following the doctor's instructions also in terms of drugs and medicines. psychotherapy is enough but if drugs are prescribed to combine with psychotherapy sessions, these must be taken without thinking twice about it and above all without fantasizing or being intimidated by a luckily remote possibility of gaining weight. Anxiety, panic attacks and episodes of depression are sometimes treatable only with "adequate drug therapy, which can sometimes last for months or years. If what is holding you back from dealing with it is the fear of gaining weight, focus on your lifestyle and surround yourself with healthy habits and smart choices, even at the table!

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Zoloft and fluoxetine: is there a real risk of weight gain?

Many patients on antidepressant medication for years complain of significant weight gain. However, psychotherapists and neurologists are quite in agreement in considering that for example zoloft does not make you fat what can contribute to weight gain in a patient who is being treated for depression and anxiety is an unbalanced appetite, behavioral disorders related to food, a style of inactive life, and also of the hormonal effects that can affect the metabolism and the possible accumulation and stagnation of liquids, however it is not a side effect of the drug and as such can be modified with a more active lifestyle and a some physical movement. The active ingredient of Zoloft is sertraline which generally manages to have a calming effect in the treatment of chronic anxiety after the first few days in which there is a worsening of anxiety levels and insomnia disorders. However, weight gain and water retention are not always and only justified by the molecules of the drugs you take but very often also by a change in lifestyle, habits, for example from the interruption of hobbies and passions related to the world of sport or from practice outdoors. The advice is therefore to start doing physical activity again which, in addition to giving benefits in terms of weight loss, will also have good effects in the treatment of depression and chronic anxiety.
Sertraline does not always make you gain weight, some patients also notice a loss: everything is subjective, in fact, studies show that there are really conflicting cases. It is good to remember, however, that these are drugs and that they must be taken with caution and in case of real need (only a specialized doctor can prescribe them). They often cause important side effects, some such as diarrhea and dry mouth, disappear after the first periods of treatment, others such as problems related to the sexual sphere persist. Very often, in fact, antidepressants can cause a decrease in desire and male erectile dysfunction, with very delayed euaculation. In any case, if you take antidepressant drugs, such as Zoloft or others, and you notice an increase in your weight, contact your doctor who will be able to explain the causes and propose the best solution for your needs. On the contrary, if what keeps you from facing a psychotherapy path is the fear of gaining weight, think that being comfortable with yourself will certainly help you to keep your weight under control: talk to your piscoteraupeta and evaluate together the most suitable solution. to take drugs that are essential to your pathology and at the same time not gain weight thanks to exercise and healthy nutrition.

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