Permanent makeup: how it works, how much it costs and what are the benefits

Have you heard of permanent makeup before but don't know how it works? Below we will try to explain exactly what it is. First thing to know: permanent makeup is a procedure that must be carried out by an expert and which, unlike a classic tattoo, does not last forever, but has a limited duration, although quite long. Before continuing, watch this video: how to prepare your skin for makeup.

What is permanent makeup?

Unlike a tattoo, permanent makeup doesn't go that deep, and it's less invasive; moreover the colors used are natural and certified, and do not create problems of intolerance to any type of skin.
The advantage of permanent make-up is undoubtedly that it does not require long times to remove make-up in the evening, nor of interminable make-up sessions in the morning to try to make yourself beautiful. It is often used for those who suffer from allergy to cosmetics but also to mask scars or imperfections at the level of the epidermis.
In general, permanent make-up is made to give greater relief to the eyes with an eyeliner type make-up, to refine the eyebrows and offer a more defined and marked lip contour, avoiding the classic smudges and imperfections of a normal make-up. The most convinced fans of this beauty procedure can also choose to use it for the cheek and eyelid area for a perfect blush and eyeshadow result.

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Permanent make-up: how does it work?

After these premises, let's try to understand what permanent makeup consists of. Basically it is a micropigmentation obtained through a particular device, able to make very small holes under the skin in which a permanent pigment is injected using organic, natural and certified colors.

Although it is thought to be painful, just like a tattoo, it must be said that generally what you feel during the treatment is a slight discomfort or a slight pain; as it should be, much certainly depends on the subject's pain threshold, the lightness of the expert's touch and the area of ​​the body in which one operates.

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On which areas of the face is permanent makeup done?

Permanent or semi-permanent make-up is useful for correcting skin imperfections, covering marks and scars, highlighting strengths, improving aesthetics in general. The area that lends itself best to this type of treatment is the face. specific areas where to apply semi-permanent make-up.

  • Permanent makeup of the lips

Permanent makeup is often used on the lips, focusing above all on the contour to give greater volume and correct aesthetic defects of any kind. You can easily get plump and voluminous lips thus defining both the center and the contrast. It will no longer be necessary to use the lip pencil and just a touch of gloss will be enough to have super plump lips.

  • Permanent eye makeup

By performing the permanent makeup technique on the eyes, you can give more prominence to the look. How? Creating a permanent line of eyeliner without wasting time in the morning to make up your eyes.

  • Permanent makeup of the eyebrows

It is the most requested type, to have thick and perfectly shaped eyebrows. Ideal for all colors which have aesthetic defects related to the eyebrow arches. Very useful in case of alopecia, also the microblading treatment.

  • Permanent hair makeup

In some cases it is possible to proceed with the pigmentation of the scalp to go and draw the lost hair. With the tattoo not only the holes will be filled, but the "fake" hair will blend perfectly with the real one.

  • Correction and coverage of scars

Finally, dermopigmentation can be used to cover any scars or marks on the body, even in the face area. Stretch marks and skin imperfections, vitiligo, plastic reconstructions, can be easily corrected.

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How long does permanent makeup last?

The duration required to obtain a good permanent make-up made by expert hands can vary from 2 to 4 hours. It must also be remembered that permanent makeup, despite its name, does not last forever, but is subject to progressive deterioration over the years, as the micro pigments it is made of are slowly released from the skin. Normally the duration of the make-up varies from person to person, but the average duration can be considered a period of time between 4 and 8 years.
In the meantime, however, it is possible to undergo maintenance sessions, which are useful for obtaining a prolongation of the effect over time.

Permanent make-up and differences with the semi-permanent

If we pause for a moment on the names "permanent makeup" And "semi-permanent makeup" we can say that they indicate exactly the same treatment. Basically there is not much difference between the two services, so undergoing permanent make-up is the same as undergoing semi-permanent make-up. If we wanted to be more precise, the definition "semi-permanent makeup" is more appropriate as the treatment is not definitive, even if the "effect" remains "for a long period of time.
Starting from these considerations, we understand why the definitions of permanent and semi-permanent are used to indicate the treatment of dermopigmentation, without making too many distinctions.

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The prices of permanent makeup

The costs of permanent make-up vary according to the area to be treated, but understandably, considering that we are talking about an almost defined beauty treatment, they are around hundreds of euros.

For the mouth area and lip contour, the figures are generally between 400 and 500 euros, while for the eyes, to redefine the upper lash line, the cost is between 300-400 euros. A little less to thicken or redefine the eyebrows, the price of which is between 200-300 euros.

Tags:  Beauty In Shape Old-Luxury