Test: what is the last thing you should do before the new year?

"Dear friend, I write to you ..." thus begins the famous song by Lucio Dalla which is however entitled "The year to come", and which ends with the "iconic phrase" I'm getting ready, this is the news " . In short, in our own way, we all prepare for the year that is about to begin, but how? Obviously, by closing the questions of the year we leave behind, taking stock, and settling the unfinished business in the hope of starting the new year with positivity.
Watch the video on New Year's Eve before you find out what you should do on the last day of the year, here:

Test: what is the last thing you should do before the new year?

Therefore, if you often make lists of good proposals for the new year, perhaps there is something to do there is also and often before the end of the old one. Indeed, perhaps it is precisely the things we do first that determine what happens next. Then find out how to finish your year, take the test and find out what you should do! There he is:

See also

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What to do for the new year? Absolutely avoid negative people! So the people around you have a very negative aura? Take the test and find out:

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