The 2nd week of a baby's life: everything you need to know

  1. · Mother's health
  2. · The development of the child
  3. · Our tips
  4. · Not to be forgotten

Mother's health

2 Week post partum

See also

The 1st week of a baby's life: all there is to know

The 3rd week of a baby's life: all there is to know

The 6th week of a baby's life: all there is to know

Have you decided to breastfeed your baby, but it's not as easy as you thought?
Don't give up! It often happens to have fissures, breast engorgements or painful feedings.

Regadi, wounds that can form on the nipple or on the areola even after a few days of breastfeeding, make sucking particularly painful. The formation of fissures is favored not only by individual factors of skin characteristics, but also by an incorrect supply technique. When attaching it to the breast, it is useful, with the help of your fingers, to lightly compress the area around the nipple to facilitate entry into the baby's mouth.

The humidity factor can also affect: be careful to gently wipe your breasts after each feed and don't let your little one fall asleep on them. You can intervene immediately using specific creams, particularly rich in vitamins A and D.

If, on the other hand, you happen to have breast engorgement (due to more milk production than the baby is drinking), your breasts are tight, hard and sore. To prevent this, "empty" one breast before allowing the baby to switch to the other. If there is any milk left, gently massage your breasts under a lukewarm shower to get rid of excess milk, which can cause pain.

Be careful, in case of an abscess you must stop breastfeeding to avoid transmitting infections to the baby.

The development of the child

You will realize that your baby goes to great lengths to keep in touch with you.
Through your skin, your smell, your voice, your breasts ... you communicate with him. And he will grow up relying completely on your care.

Your baby's typical day: feed and sleep
Your baby sleeps a lot (on average 19 hours) and eats often, both day and night. He too learns to deal with the stimulus of hunger: he reacts very violently to this sensation. A little at a time, he will learn to have (relatively) patience: the stages of preparation for feedings, the sounds, the smells ... will reassure him.
From the 4th day of life up to the first 4-6 weeks, the baby's feces (2 or 3 per day) will be liquid and yellowish. He will urinate at least 6 times a day and his pee will be clear and odorless.

Good to know
- Typically, his umbilical cord has fallen out and his navel dries up.
- The baby sweats a lot, especially on the head, especially due to the feedings, which represent a great effort for him. Change the crib sheets often.

Our advice

The baby blues

As happens to 70-80% of new mothers, you too can suffer from baby blues. It is a problem of mood, more than legitimate, and consists of sudden bouts of uncontrollable crying, mood swings, loneliness, great moments of depression ...

The causes can be numerous: fatigue due to childbirth, loss of old reference points, the prospect of a new life beginning, awareness of the differences between the idealized child and the real one, difficulties in communicating with the partner ...

Here are some tips to help you feel better:
- Admit to yourself that you are going through a difficult time, avoiding feelings of guilt.

- Talk to other mothers who have experienced this problem (friends, internet forums ...)

- Encourage dad to take care of the baby and show him that you appreciate his efforts: a positive attitude will encourage him, but criticism will take him away from you and the baby.

- Do not spend all day in front of the stove: ask your loved ones to prepare something to eat, or treat yourself to frozen foods, every now and then ...

- Try to adapt your rhythms to those of your baby: sleeping more will help you regain energy!

- Ask others (partners, parents, friends, domestic workers) to take care of the housework.

- Go out often, even with your baby: it will help to distract you.

- Your baby sleeps a lot: take the opportunity to ask your mother to stay an hour with him and go out for a ride alone, it will help you free your mind.

Not to be forgotten

Arranging to make an appointment with a postnatal nurse, she will visit you at home
Make an appointment with your pediatrician for the first month
Weigh the child (at home, at the local counseling center and or at the pharmacy)
Birth certificate to be sent to the employer

To learn more read also: The first month of life of the newborn

See also: Instamme conquer the web

Instamamme: photographer mothers conquer the web

Tags:  Parenthood Actuality News - Gossip