10th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 3rd month of pregnancy

Mother's health

Typically, the first gynecological examination in pregnancy takes place before the end of the third month of gestation. But not to "medicalise" such a natural event, but to satisfy all curiosities. The interview will help future parents to identify the sources of anxiety, to exclude any risk factors for the mother and the child, to understand why certain types of particular tests will be prescribed and how to interpret them and finally to identify the most suitable behaviors for this new condition.

The first ultrasound also takes place during the twelfth week of amenorrhea. In fact, you have probably already consulted your gynecologist and done some tests, and perhaps even an "ultrasound ... This exam is used to identify the exact date of the pregnancy, to check the placenta and the number of fetuses, to make sure that it goes. all good and to identify any anomalies.

See also

12th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 3rd month of pregnancy

9th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 3rd month of pregnancy

13th week of pregnancy for mother and baby - 3rd month of pregnancy

The development of the child

During the third month, the fetus is well implanted in the uterus. It continues to develop, the arms and legs take shape and the fingers become more and more different.

The sensory and motor nervous system is formed progressively. Touch is the first sense to refine. This is thanks to the development of many types of nerve cells at the level of the brain, spinal cord ... and skin (in the various layers of the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis) to allow the perception of sensations, ranging from pain to simple touches.

Our advice

Know your ideal weight gain

Now that the nausea begins to subside, the appetite returns.
Be careful not to get too fat! Weight gain during pregnancy cannot be strictly established the same for all future mothers: it depends both on the initial weight and on the ease that some women have in retaining liquids.

Generally in the first two months there should be no weight changes, there are even those who lose weight; from the third month there should be a maximum increase of 450 grams per week, until arriving before the birth to weigh approximately 9 to 13 kilos more than the initial weight.

You will only have to worry about your weight if your BMI (body mass index) is worrying right from the start. It is not only a question of aesthetics, but also of health, especially for your baby. Weight problems promote hypertension, gestational diabetes and make childbirth more difficult.

Calculate your BMI (outside pregnancy)

Calculation: weight outside pregnancy (kg) / height (m)
BMI below 18: take between 12.5 and 18 kg
BMI between 19 and 22: take between 11.5 kg and 16 kg
BMI between 22 and 23: take between 7 kg and 11.5 kg
BMI over 24: take between 6 kg and 10 kg
These data are indicative: they can change from one woman to another.

The weight of the child
It is often said that an average baby weighs 3.5 kg: so why does he gain so much weight?
Because the whole body is preparing for birth! On average, here's where the pounds accumulate during the months of your pregnancy:

Blood: 1.5 kg
Child: 3.5 kg
Placenta 0.6 kg
Amniotic fluid: 1 kg
Uterus: 1 kg
Fat reserves: 3 kg
Maternal fluids: 1.5 kg

That is, on average, a total of 12.5 kg for women who have a normal weight.

Good to know
- The kg taken at the beginning of pregnancy are mainly used by the mother (amniotic fluid, placenta, uterus, blood volume ...).
- Often, it is between 17 and 28 weeks that the pregnant woman gains the most kg. During the last few months, don't worry if you gain, on average, two or three kilograms a month, especially if you are skinny.

Not to be forgotten

Make an appointment with your gynecologist or midwife for the first trimester visit
Choose the hospital in which to give birth and where to take the course
Do the first ultrasound between the 10th and 11th week of pregnancy
Organize for any villocentesis or ultrascreen (translucent nuchal) that takes place between the 10th and 12th week
Think about who can help you after giving birth (grandparents, nurse, daycare)
You could make a dentist appointment
Let your employer know about your pregnancy

Tags:  Marriage In Shape Old-Test - Psyche