Test: do you have an artistic soul or are you a concrete person?

Being very sensitive and tendentially dreamy can make a soul not very concrete and rational. For example, people with a strong artistic sensibility suffer a lot from the events of concrete life, which, on the other hand, those with a less delicate character can manage with reasoning and lucidity. Both trends have pros and cons and handle emotions differently. Watch this video, it might help you for moments of acute sensitivity:

Test: do you have an artistic soul or are you a concrete person?

Very often a concrete soul compensates that of the artist, no one could really exist without the other. more dynamic? Find out how you are doing our test:

See also

Test: are you a simple or complicated person?

Personality test: are you a warm or cold person?

Test: are you a clear and limpid person or ambiguous and indecipherable person?

Can you handle negative moments? Find out with our test:

Tags:  Actuality Horoscope Parenthood