Dreaming of cockroaches - what is the meaning? Here is the interpretation of dreams!

Dreaming of cockroaches is quite common and, according to the interpretation of dreams, it has more than one meaning. A dream in which a cockroach appears can be an indication that you are going through a difficult period in which you are experiencing anxiety or fear, feelings of annoyance or repulsion.

If you have ever dreamed of cockroaches and cockroaches that you feel fear or horror for this dream, the psychological meaning could be linked to a lack of control in your life (especially if you find yourself cockroaches in bed or on the body), a sense of "invasion" "real from an external threat towards which you feel helpless, or a sense of guilt for some form of" filth "and meanness that you have felt inside yourself or in someone close to you.

The cockroach, in fact, is a very symbolic animal and for this reason so common in dreams! The meaning of its symbolism can be linked to fear, anxiety, disgust, malice, irrationality, torment and, again, fear of the unknown, difficult problems to manage or of a dark force within oneself.

Let's find out together what is the meaning of cockroaches in dreams, also based on the context in which they appear to us (alive or dead, in bed or on the skin, big, black and so on). Here is what it means to dream of cockroaches, but first watch this video on the interpretation of the most recurrent dreams:

Dreaming of black and big cockroaches - what is the meaning?

Dreaming of black cockroaches is perhaps the most common of dreams of this kind. In fact, the cockroach in a dream tends to be black because it is linked precisely to the expression of a feeling of fear and unpleasantness, perfectly embodied by the dark color.

If you have ever dreamed of black cockroaches, try asking yourself what or who in your life has been making you feel disturbed, invaded, or exploited or scared lately. The black cockroach, according to the interpretation of dreams, represents precisely this kind of threat or problem for the dreamer.

If the cockroach in question is also very large, it means that this element of torment and fear is really very large and scares you very much (from this point of view, for the dreamer it is dreaming of animals such as cockroaches and cockroaches. dream about mice!). Warning: it is not necessarily about another person or an external situation or problem, it could also simply be a part of you that you struggle to control and that scares you for this very reason.

See also

Dreaming of insects: what does it mean according to the interpretation of dreams?

Dreaming of raw meat: what does it mean according to the interpretation of dreams?

Dreaming of being shot by someone: what it means according to the interpretation

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Dreaming of dead cockroaches - here is the interpretation of dreams of this type!

Equally common is also dreaming of dead cockroaches. In this case, the interpretation of dreams will certainly be more favorable: dead cockroaches, although not too pleasant, clearly show that a fear or a difficult situation, although still present, is drawing to a close, and is therefore about to The meaning of dead cockroaches in dreams is therefore linked to a possible rebirth that is approaching, despite the past torments inevitably leaving their mark.

The meaning becomes even more positive if in the dream it is you who kill the cockroach! In fact, it means that within you you finally have the strength you need to ward off the fear and sense of discomfort embodied by these animals. Your liberation from a difficult moment is about to come true because you have the ability, your dreamer self is already well aware of it!

What does it mean to dream of cockroaches in bed or getting out of bed?

It happens to dream of cockroaches in the bed or that they get out of bed. In this case the meaning of what you dreamed of is even stronger: it is in fact a real threat to your intimacy, the danger or fear of something or someone who can sneak into your private life and take away your peace. , without giving you a chance to defend yourself, but suffocating yourself with the problem in question.

If cockroaches come out from under the bed, it can be the symbol of some secret that you are hiding or that you are aware of and tormenting you, embodied by cockroaches. If it is the bed in which you sleep with your partner or with your husband, the secret in question (or in any case the anguish or fear) will be linked precisely to your relationship, whether it is a possible betrayal (yours or your partner) or something that doesn't work as sexual problems.

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What is the meaning of dreaming of cockroaches in food or in the mouth?

Dreaming of cockroaches in your food is not a good sign: the meaning of these animals, in fact, is linked to something harmful and toxic for us that we are still "ingesting", which in some way has become a nourishment, an important part of our life. Through the dream, our unconscious is warning us that this person or situation only hurts us and we need to get away from it ... Your dreamer self knows that there is a problem that when awake you cannot admit.

On the other hand, the interpretation of dreams in which cockroaches come out of our own mouth is different: it means that within us we are experiencing a strong sense of anger, fear or disgust embodied by cockroaches and that somehow, in the life of every day, we are not able to express in words. Here then is that dreams come to our rescue and those negative feelings "turn" into big black cockroaches that come out of our mouth, just to let off steam, finally, as we need to do awake.

What does it mean to dream of cockroaches in my house?

If cockroaches in a dream are around in your house, they run on the floor or on the walls, the meaning is the following: in your life there are real "parasites", people who take advantage of you, who hurt you and who, with hypocrisy, take possession of your energies.

If you have ever dreamed of cockroaches at home, maybe you should reconsider your friendships or pay attention to the people around you: are they really all animated by the best of intentions?

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Cockroaches walking on me, on or under the skin: this is the meaning of the dream!

Dreaming of cockroaches walking on us is an expression of a very strong sense of restlessness: if the cockroach walks on our head it can represent a fear or a thought that haunts us and disturbs us; if the cockroach walks on our face it can represent an aspect of ourselves that we do not like, that we would deeply want to change.

Dreaming of cockroaches walking under the skin, on the other hand, expresses a torment that is very deeply rooted in us, which we just cannot bring out and which somehow is "destroying" us from the inside. If you are experiencing a difficult moment, try to imagine to let those cockroaches out of you, to see them go far away and to be able to say goodbye to them forever.The strength to do so is already within you!

See also: Dictionary of dreams: discover the meaning of your dreams!

© iStock Dream dictionary: find out the meaning of your dreams!

What is the meaning of having dreamed of cockroaches together with other insects and animals such as mice?

It may happen that you have dreamed not only of cockroaches, but also of other animals with them, first of all insects: worms, spiders, ants ... these are animals that always suggest a sense of disgust to the dreamer. When dreams of this kind arise, they can only mean some kind of increased fear or anxiety that cockroaches embody when they appear on their own.

More animals all together - among the most frequent next to insects we find mice, scorpions and snakes of all kinds - express an increased discomfort on the part of the dreamer, who fears that he will not be able to control some particularly difficult and invasive aspect of his life. at that specific time.

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