Dreaming of cherries - meaning and interpretations

The elements that are seen in a dream are very different from each other. They range from animals, such as dogs and horses, to actions, such as crying or flying. Even food can be the protagonist of a dream image, especially if it is fruit. It has been noted how fruits often appear to a dreamer, each with its own meaning and its interpretation. A fruit that normally takes on a positive meaning are the cherries.

Symbology of cherries in dreams

Before going into the different interpretations that a dream in which cherries appear, it is necessary to understand the symbolism of this fruit and what it evokes in the collective imagination.

  • Love: cherries ripen in spring, the season par excellence for the awakening of nature after the cold winter climates. Moreover, this season has always also represented the birth of love. For this reason, the cherry often represents in dreams the feeling of love, declined in various ways according to the various details of the dream image. Normally it is the desire to fall in love, if you do not already have a partner, or to take an important step in the relationship if you are already in a couple, such as marriage.
  • Prosperity: Also for the period of the year in which it ripens, cherries also indicate the emergence of new possibilities that lead to success and a favorable economic condition. Perhaps a promotion in the workplace or a new position is envisaged.
  • Carefree: finally, like most summer fruit, cherries evoke the carefree and serenity typical of childhood. The dreamer could see in them a need for tranquility and absence of the worries that perhaps are occupying his mind in the last. period.

To know the right meaning and the correct interpretation of one's dream, however, one must pay attention to the various details and to what the dreamer was doing in the scenario of the dream image.

See also

Dreaming of the sea: meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of turtles - meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of crying - meaning and interpretations

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Dreaming of seeing cherries

If you have dreamed of seeing red and juicy cherries, without taking any particular action, then this dream can represent your desire to fall in love or to take a decisive step in the context of your love story that does not necessarily have to be marriage. . In fact, like most fruit, cherries evoke fertility. Seeing them in a dream, therefore, could recall your desire to start a family and your desire for motherhood.

As already mentioned before, the cherry also represents success and economic prosperity. If it appears in a dream it may mean that you have obtained or are planning for you a promotion in the workplace or the achievement of a goal that you had set for yourself for some time.

Finally, cherries can appear on their tree. Dreaming of a cherry tree, ripe and beautiful red, is usually a positive omen. In fact, it too represents joy and luck, which can be declined both in the sphere of love and in the working one.

Dreaming of eating cherries

Just like in the previous case, if you dreamed of eating cherries, then the interpretation of the dream will depend on the state of the fruit. When they are large, red and juicy and while you dream you have the sensation of a sweet and pleasant taste, the meaning of the dream image will be absolutely positive. This dream indicates that you are satisfied with most of your life or, perhaps, with a particular aspect in which you have recently achieved good results.

In addition to this, dreaming of eating cherries can be a harbinger of a future meeting of the dreamer with someone important from an emotional point of view. You may meet a person with whom you can combine the purest love feeling with the one with the most passionate and sensual profile. Not surprisingly, for many the couple of cherries would recall the male organs in dreams and, therefore, it would be a message from the unconscious to satisfy one's sexuality.

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Dreaming of unripe or rotten cherries

In the world of dreams, cherries do not always appear red and ripe. It can happen to dream of seeing or even eating this type of unripe or rotten fruit. As for unripe cherries, they can mean that the dreamer is aspiring to goals or goals that are too high because, for his part, there is still a certain naivete to overcome. Perhaps you have set yourself some goals that you are not yet ready to reach. and your unconscious is revealing this lack to you.

Rotten cherries, on the other hand, represent more everything related to disappointment, pain and regret. These negative feelings can come from both a love and work point of view and become the signal that something in your life is about to get worse.

Dreaming of picking, buying or selling cherries

In addition to seeing or eating them, the dreamer can perform other actions in a dream in which cherries appear.

  • Dreaming of picking cherries - this dream represents two opposite meanings. On the one hand, picking cherries can presage the beginning of a secret love story, while on the other hand, one could run the risk of seeing the efforts made to reach a certain goal nullified.
  • Dreaming of buying cherries: it is the dreamlike image symbol of exuberance and vitality. The dreamer will be able to reach the goal he has set himself, which probably concerns the feeling of love.
  • Dreaming of selling cherries - such a dream means indecision and insecurity. These hesitations and this fragility can be addressed both to the sentimental sphere and to the working one.

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Neapolitan grimace: the numbers associated with dreams in which cherries appear

Tracing in the mind what one saw in a dream is not only useful for knowing the meaning and interpretation of the dream image. Thus, you can decide to try your luck by playing the numbers suggested by the Neapolitan Smorfia al Lotto. Here are all those related to dreams in which cherries appear:
Cherries 79
Cherry 42
Red and ripe cherry 22
See a cherry tree 80
Eating cherries 70
Unripe cherries 67
Collect cherries 3
Buy cherries 74
Selling cherries 38

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