Perfect selfie: 7 rules for taking a photo like the stars

Alone or in company, now everyone takes selfies to post on social networks or to keep as a souvenir in the gallery of their smartphone. However, given the particular shot and the proximity of the mobile phone if you don't have a selfie stick, getting a perfect self-timer is not always easy. You have to pay attention to the light, the facial expression, the background and choose which "tone" you want to give to the photograph. Will it be a "serious" or funny selfie, almost like a photo shoot?

Since the selfie is the photo of the moment, we couldn't get advice from the best experts in this field. These are obviously the stars, who share their shots on their social profiles or willingly accept to pose with some of their fans met by chance. For this reason we have compiled a guide with the 7 rules for the perfect selfie suggested by Italian and Hollywood celebrities!

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1. Framing

Let's start with one of the basic principles for getting a perfect selfie, which is choosing the right angle before shooting. We do not recommend - and in some cases completely forbidden - a "shot from below, because it not only accentuates any defects but also negatively modifies the features of the neck and face, with that always unwelcome result of the" double chin " The stars famous for their perfect selfies normally hold the smartphone far enough away from the face, without seeing too much of the arm, framing from above. By doing so, the eyes are highlighted and the features of the face can be thinned.

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Also, a front selfie is hardly recommended. It is always better to prefer a pose with the face in three quarters, slightly in profile, obviously enhancing your best side. Kim Kardashian herself admitted that she very often uses this strategy to make dark circles less noticeable, without necessarily resorting to a covering make-up. With the chin down, the smartphone held a little higher than the forehead and the face rotated almost to three quarters, you can hide those defects that we know all too well and that we do not want to appear in photos and, at the same time, put in evidence the eyes and a seductive look.

2. The right light

Always keeping as a reference one of the most loved selfie gurus, aka Kim Kardashian, we follow one of her most precious tips. The Hollywood star said the lights are great "to hide your flaws and emphasize your strengths". For this reason, we must absolutely avoid cold, dim or excessively fluorescent lights: they will only highlight those small imperfections that we all have! The best light is natural, but you can have a good result even with a warm light. The important thing is that the source is never behind us, otherwise the face will remain in shadow, and it would be better if it doesn't get straight into our eyes, because you run the risk of having to squeeze them.

One of the favorite lights is definitely that of the sunset. As the sun begins to go down, it does not point directly at us and manages to give warm shades to the skin of the face. In any case, adjust the light perhaps by adjusting the window curtain or, if you are outside, doing a bit of tests before shooting, finding the lighting that you value the most.

3. The expression

Usually you choose whether to take a "serious" selfie, which does not necessarily mean with a "slightly" sulky expression but more a photo that wants to enhance us and make us feel beautiful, or a funny and funny one. In the first case, the most popular poses see either an "almost serious" expression, with a slight pout and where everything is focused on the eyes and seductive gaze, or a spontaneous and natural smile, in order to "illuminate" the whole photo. Of this type of selfie are the undisputed queens Madonna, Chiara Ferragni, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga and many other stars of which every shot on Instagram is perfect.

On the other hand, for those who love to take themselves less seriously and leave room for fun, funny and nice faces are ideal. Sticking their tongue out, with a particularly surprised or really funny expression, these selfies are particularly suitable for taking with friends. There is no shortage of celebrities who appreciate this type of photo starting with the beautiful Cara Delevingne, who always poses with her colleagues or with her fans in funny and spontaneous poses.

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4. The camera to use

This rule may seem superfluous, yet some celebrities prefer to use not the smartphone's internal camera, but the external one, which we usually use to photograph landscapes or those around us. According to Taylor Swift, in fact, the camera on the back has a better resolution and is less distorting than the one above the screen. If you choose to listen to the advice of the selfie-themed American pop star, do some testing first and move the phone a little further away from your face.

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5. Watch the background!

In the background, the matter becomes more complicated, because not everyone agrees on the "rule" to use. In general, it is always better to take a selfie after paying attention to what is behind us. Otherwise you will have that. unwelcome effect "photobombing"of elements we weren't aware of and which are now ruining our photo.

There is not a single place suitable for doing their own personal selfie "shoot". There are those who prefer to take them only in the open air, while some, including Hollywood stars, also do them in the tranquility of their own home. , if until some time ago selfies in the mirror were severely condemned, now it seems that they are depopulated, especially on Instagram, even on the social media of influencers. Here too, the important thing is to be careful what is in the background .. a selfie with the toilet behind it is definitely not perfect!

6. The most popular accessories

There are some details that are popular in the world of selfies and we are not simply talking about make-up. What is increasingly important are the accessories. Among the most popular there are above all sunglasses. In this case it will no longer be the gaze that will be the protagonist, but the expression of the face with a touch of a diva given by the glasses. The vintage ones, for example, are the most flaunted on Instagram.

Another kind of selfie that people really like isn't just an accessory, but a whole look. These are "workout" themed self-portraits, effective when taken both in the gym and during a work out session at home. Here sporty tops and high ponytails or messy bun alternate, perfect hairstyles while doing gymnastics. Not even the stars give up on this kind of photos.

Finally, the most loved selfies are certainly those in which animals appear, in particular dogs, cats or even horses, as is frequently seen on Lady Gaga's profile. This photo trend is called "pet-selfie mania"and no one can resist the tenderness of our best four-legged friends, as Kaia Gerber, daughter of Cindy Crawford, is well aware.

7. Beware of filters

In most of the selfies that are seen on the net, there is a filter behind that can improve various aspects of photography. In the different apps you can find those that give a uniform color to the skin, those that focus on the light of the shot, perhaps modifying it, or others able to remove some imperfections. The important thing is to always use the filters taking care that they are not "excessive" or too fake. Although, as we have seen, there are several tricks behind a perfect selfie, the fact remains that the self-timer must seem like a spontaneous and natural photo.

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