Phrases to apologize: here's how to let people know you're sorry

Sorry seems to be the hardest word. This is the title, translated into Italian, of one of Elton John's most beautiful and famous songs and all this success, perhaps, is partly due to the fact that the meaning of the text hides a grain of truth. How many times do we realize we are wrong but, because of pride, we struggle to admit it, letting it ruin our most important relationships? To make sure that doesn't happen and help you find the right words to say you're sorry , we have collected for you a list of meaningful and effective phrases with which to ask for forgiveness ... and get it!

The most beautiful and famous phrases to apologize

Writers, philosophers and authors know how important it is to find the right words with which to communicate your feelings, even when it comes to apologizing. Here are their most famous phrases to inspire you if you need to apologize to someone!

The ineffable joy of forgiving and being forgiven constitutes an ecstasy that could arouse the envy of the gods.
Elbert Hubbard

Never forget the seven words to say in a relationship.
I love you.
You are beautiful.
Please forgive me.
H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Apologizing is a gesture that strengthens friendship, clarifies doubts, is a remedy for hatred, it is never a sign of weakness.
Romano Battaglia

Apologizing is a delightful scent; can turn the most awkward moment into a pretty gift.
Margaret Lee Runbeck

I apologize for all the times I begged for your smile to draw energy and vitality for me. I beg your pardon if I sought love for you in every gesture, even when perhaps there was only good education in you. The eyes lie and make us see what we would like it to be. So I mistook your sunshine for interest, and built sand castles on a rough seashore. For this and for many other little big things I apologize.
Anton Vanligt

He is always wrong. He is mistaken out of anger, out of love, out of jealousy. It is wrong to learn. Learn to never repeat certain mistakes. He is wrong to be able to apologize, to be able to admit he was wrong. It is wrong to grow and mature. He is wrong because he is not perfect.
Bob Marley

The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

When a man, however powerful he may be, manages to apologize to the last of his fellow men, he has reached the awareness of being a real man
Luciano Sante Manara

When I realize that I have made a mistake, I will be closer to you: it will be my way of apologizing.
Giulia Carcasi

See also

Falling in love: how to tell if it's happening to you again

Summer love: which one happened to you and how to deal with it!

The most beautiful phrases of love, for him and for her

We are all mixed up with weaknesses and errors; let us forgive each other our nonsense: this is the first law of nature.

Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other is right. It simply means that you care more about that relationship than your pride.
Fabio Volo

How many times have I apologized to you, how many times have you forgiven me. How many times have I made a mistake and yet I always found your arms. Now I understand that you can't always forgive, even those who love you get tired of your mistakes and constant apologies. I beg your pardon and if you can ever forgive me one day.
Gigliola Perin

To ask for forgiveness is to return his place to the other, to give him the right to exist.
Katherine Pancol

Apologizing without remedy is like admitting to having stolen without returning the stolen goods.
Carlo Pin

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it widens the future.
Paul Boese

I had made imprudent commitments towards you that life would have canceled: I apologize, as humbly as possible, not so much for leaving you, as for having stayed so long.
Marguerite Yourcenar

Smiling is as close as possible to apologizing, without saying "sorry".
Guido Fruscoloni

Forgiveness does not change the past, it broadens the future.
Paul Boese

The most effective phrases with which to apologize to him or her

Love is not beautiful if it is not an argument (obviously without exaggerating!). It happens to all couples to have differences and to argue, but, when it is wrong, apologizing is definitely the first step to resolve the situation. angered your partner and you are aware of your mistake, you just have to read these sentences and find the right way to let your him or her know that you are immensely sorry!

If I have lost you like this, excuse me
if I fall asleep and you're not here sorry
if I didn't bring you the world and if you believed and I wasn't there
if I need you, please excuse me.
Joe Barbieri

Sorry if I didn't realize before what you really represented for me, you are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me, I don't know how it took me so long to realize it. You are my great love and I don't want to lose you, so I beg you to forgive me.

It's true, asking "sorry" is not enough to erase all my mistakes ... if you give me the chance, I will make you understand that my way of asking for forgiveness will go far beyond this simple word

I apologize for hurting you in the heart with my incorrect gesture and words spoken without thinking. Sorry for all the times I didn't want to understand you. Sorry if I still make the usual mistakes it's my weakness but know that I'm trying my best to change and be better with you since I love you so much.

I don't want to undo what I've done. I will never say it was an innocent mistake. My sins are many and heavy as boulders. I take full responsibility for it. From here I would like to start to regain your love.

You don't notice what you have until you lose it. You came to me, and you took me to heaven. But now that you have left me and I have returned to earth, I realized how little I was grateful to you. You taught me to love, and for that now I apologize.

You are like the wind I breathe, without you I would die ... You are like water, without you I would not live. Please come back to me!

Sorry if I made you feel bad. You know, I didn't mean to. I don't know why I left you like this. Now I understand that I made a big mistake. I miss your kisses, your caresses. I wanted to tell you that you were important to me. And I wish you still were. Forever! My heart wasn't ready yet, but now I realize I can't be without you. Shall we start over?

My love sorry if I am often jealous of you, but I know that you love me and it is I who am wrong to doubt you.

What happened was the fruit of my fear of suffering. I did not realize that in doing so, we were suffering in two. Now I just wish I could make you understand how important you are to me.

People who truly know how to love learn to apologize when they realize they have made a mistake

I apologize for being jealous of you I didn't mean and I'm the first to acknowledge this is wrong.

I'm just a man who lives off his mistakes. Forgive me if I leaned on you so as not to commit others.

When you hurt the person you care about most in the world, there are no words that can remedy the mistake. That's why I'm not going to apologize with words but with deeds. The little daily facts, if you give me the opportunity.

When you are wrong you apologize, I will beg your forgiveness on my knees, I have exaggerated and there are no other words to say or gestures to do.

Life is like a book, a page is written every day, obviously different from the other. Each of us has pages that we would like to tear and throw away, but this is not allowed! Instead, you can take the pen of the heart and the strength of love to compose a new chapter in two.

If you don't want to see me again, I'll understand your reasons. The only thing that I will never be able to explain is how I could harm you, the person who more than anyone else in life has shown me his love.

I don't want our story to end due to a misunderstanding, I beg your pardon, I love you too much to lose you.

Apologizing to a friend or a "friend? Here are the right phrases to do it!"

Getting along is always and in any case completely impossible, even in the strongest friendships. Arguments, especially if constructive, are normal and, at times, help to bond even more. If you have wronged a friend or a " friend and now you want to be forgiven, try to recycle some of these beautiful phrases to apologize with!

I could apologize, but it would not help .. I could do it on my knees but it would not be enough .. only now I realize how important your friendship was for me, only now I understand that I was stupid and above all proud .. proud of not wanting to admit that you were right and that I said terrible things to you just to protect my dignity ... I know I ask for the impossible, but if you want and if you can forgive this fool. I really love you.

In the most difficult moment, I was unable to be next to you. It is a wound that will not heal, but I hope you will give me the opportunity to heal it day after day.

I hate having to apologize, so you understand that these are really heard! Excuse me!

Sorry if I make you desperate, sorry if we often argue in vain, sorry if I blame you for things, sorry for when I made you feel bad by telling you bad things, sorry for everything and know that I wish to remain friends forever.

I know it will be difficult to be forgiven but I realized I was wrong and if I could go back I would not do it again.

I regret losing you because, without your friendship, it's like sailing in the dark. If you have understood how I am suffering, forgive me!

My big mistake was letting you believe that you are not important to me. It is not so. Losing you would be like losing the most important part of myself.

Sometimes in life the only thing left to do is admit being wrong ... sorry.

The deepest apologies for parents

The disagreements between parents and children are on the agenda, especially in the most delicate years of adolescence. Confronting, arguing, slamming doors ... who hasn't happened to? The important thing is to understand the mistake and apologize. Many times, in fact, we tend to close in on ourselves, fearing not to live up to the expectations that our parents have for us, when a few sincere words would be enough to fix everything and feel even closer. If you know you were wrong with your parents, here are some phrases with which you can ask them for forgiveness!

Sorry for how many times I disappoint you, if they are not what you want, if you expected things that I have not yet achieved, if you expected things from me that I have not yet been able to give you, if I am often wrong and maybe I do not have the courage to apologize. Sorry if I scream, I raise my voice ... but everything I can't say, I express it to you now.

I fully understand that my apologies are not enough for you, words fly but I will convince you with facts!

Excuse me, apologizing is difficult and even if it seems easy it is often complicated at the same time. I know I exaggerated, hurt you and probably disappointed you too but I hope you will forgive me as, like everyone, I have my flaws and I'm not perfect.

I apologize if every now and then they are not as you would like. The fact is, I can't even be the way I want to be.

Sometimes, involuntarily, we make people dear to us suffer .. I'm sorry and for this I apologize!

Forgive me, you are not always right and neither am I, but I apologize for the things I told you, because those things ... they did not come from my heart or from my mind but from the heat of the moment!

Asking your forgiveness and begging for your forgiveness is the least I can do, at least for the moment, unfortunately there is no going back and the mistakes made cannot be erased.

Excuse me if I make you despair, if we often argue in vain and I throw things at you. I'm a big head, but I love you!

I recognize that I have exaggerated, forgive me mom!

Sincere phrases to apologize to children

Parents can be wrong too, and admitting it is important. In fact, no one is infallible or even less perfect, not even mum and dad. If you have noticed that you have made a mistake with your children and want to apologize to them, do not be held back by pride and speak to them sincerely. They will understand the mistake and will love you even more. Here are some phrases to make your children forgive you.

Sorry if I didn't give you the freedom to act as you see fit ... I understand that you deserve more trust on my part!

Forgive us if, at times, we seem too apprehensive, it's just that we want to protect you from all the dangers in the world!

I'm sorry if I don't always show it to you, but I'm really proud of you and what you're doing!

Sorry for all the times I haven't been there for you and you were calling with your unforgettable voice.

If I could go back, I would certainly act differently. Excuse me. I acted impulsively and I was wrong!

Sorry for not understanding how much you needed me and my pampering!

Excuse me for all the times that I have not been able to understand you, I regret it bitterly!

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