10 things that make us proud to be moms

There are diapers to change, commitments to chase and nervous breakdowns to keep at bay.
And, in a post apocalyptic scenario of scattered toys, there is you.
You run after your child every day, seeking the precarious but indispensable balance between kindness and resolve.
Stopping seems impossible, and having a moment to reflect on how lucky you are to be a mom is utopian.
Yet, every now and then and unexpectedly, that moment of joy between you and your child comes. And, if you look closely, you will realize that that moment is everywhere, in every small gesture and even in the tiniest daily story, that "special moment that makes you truly understand what you are for your child and what your child is for you.
All the love you feel for your son and, at the same time, all the love he has for you is revealed before your eyes. A moment that manages to erase in an instant fatigue and tiredness, the bronzes, and the small differences between you.
We have collected 10 moments that can make you say: "I am a wonderful mom and my son is wonderful".

# 1. When your child confides in you

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When he chooses you as his confidant, over a friend or another family member, you know you've won his trust. And there is no greater joy!

#2. When he behaves kindly spontaneously

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He opens the door to a girl, brings an elderly man's shopping bags, lends a toy to a friend. Whatever act of kindness your child performs, if done spontaneously, it fills your heart with pride!

# 3. When he admits his love for vegetables

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You tried a thousand and one recipes and investigated the "Oracle of Zucchini. When all hopes seemed to be lost, he told you" it's good, mom! ". You did it: you discovered the arcane, the secret to cooking a vegetable dish that your child finds tasty.

# 4. When he covers his mouth and washes his hands

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How many times have you told him "wash your hands before you come to the table"? We bet that's at least as many as "cover your mouth when you yawn / cough"! When it does it by itself, automatically and without respecting your order, then you know you have won the "I" medal I have repeated so many times that it is now an automatism. "Brava!

# 5. When someone silences someone by playing with intelligence

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Logic is on his side and he uses it sublime to win an argument. You feel infinite pride and you can almost see his gray cells in motion. Of course, you are less happy if the opponent is you ...

# 6. When defending a friend

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Faced with a group of bullies or an injustice suffered, your child does not remain silent. Even if he is not the recipient of the taunts or offenses, he puts himself on the front line to defend a friend, because he knows how to recognize the value of loyalty and courage, he's your little hero.

# 7. When other parents compliment him

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"Com" is beautiful! "," Com "is kind!", "Com" is good! ". Ah, there is" no greater joy than hearing "another mother gorging your child with sincere compliments!

# 8. When he says "thank you" and "please"

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As for number 2, these two magical words that you used to suggest to him will become spontaneous. And, then, you will know that you have done a great job!

# 9. When he realizes that you are sad and he is close to you

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Well yes: even mothers have bad days, even if they remain, however, real super heroines! But your child knows when behind your smile there is a little tiredness - he feels it with his little heart. When he understands it he does everything to be close to you, tenderly. And you leave more charged than before!

# 10. When the teachers tell you he is a wonderful child

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He studies a lot, works hard, is kind to his companions. Sure, it shakes a little from time to time, but you know that the earthquake you know becomes a little shake when it has to relate to others.

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