5 qualities that make Sagittarius a wonderful sign

They are selfless

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius have a strong sense of justice that makes them generous and loyal. That's why they are trusted friends, always ready to come to the rescue of those in need. Strongly idealistic, their selflessness and diplomacy also make them excellent leaders.

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See also

What does it mean to be a Sagittarius?

Air signs: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

Signs of water: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

They are optimistic

Always in a good mood, Sagittarius looks to life with great optimism and confidence in the future and is able to stimulate and inspire those around them. Thanks to this positivity, he is a very enterprising person and almost always reaches the set goals. Even after a defeat he can get up quickly and continue without ever looking back!

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They are wise

Sagittarians are excellent observers and have a strong faculty of judgment. This makes them very smart, but above all wise people. After all, the image linked to Sagittarius is the centaur, a symbol of wisdom. They are intuitive and learn very quickly, therefore they tend to excel at school and in the workplace. If you have a Sagittarius friend, you can be sure that his advice will be always effective!

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They are energetic

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are always on the move and just can't sit still! Their energy, in addition to being contagious, makes them perfect for sports and physical activity (including sexual activity!). They have a lively and enthusiastic personality, so they love fun and are great company. Beware, however: their restlessness it also makes them very elusive, so they need someone who can counterbalance their instability.

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They are adventurers

Because they are very curious, active and enterprising, Sagittarians are travelers always looking for new adventures. Their restlessness and their inexhaustible energy allows Sagittarius to go further and further, both from a concrete point of view, with trips to the other end of the world, and from a spiritual point of view. They show a keen interest in philosophy and they ask many questions about the meaning of life, and surely, sooner or later, they will be able to find an answer!

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