Eliminate cellulite: all available treatments

Cellulite is the result of the combination of many factors:

- Genetics. Some people have an imbalance between lipolysis (fat burning) and lipogenesis (fat storage).

- Hormonal. It is the balance between estrogen and progesterone that determines the breakdown of fats in the body: every episode of hormonal life (puberty, pregnancy, birth control pills ...) involves changes.

See also

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- Circulators. The poorer the blood and lymphatic circulation, the greater the risk of cellulite appearing.

- Food. The amount of food ingested, but also their quality, affects the storage of fat in the body.

- Muscular. The tone of the muscles has the task of controlling the fat mass.

The solutions

There is no miracle treatment, but many treatments that, if chosen according to the type of cellulite, combined with each other, followed for a long time and associated with good lifestyle habits (healthy eating, regular physical activity), give results and allow you to eliminate cellulite.

Here are the most popular:

Mechanical treatments
L'endermology, or Cellu M6, is a circular movement carried out by a machine. It consists of grasping the skin and submitting it to a special wave movement, in order to restart cellular exchanges, accelerate the elimination of toxins and put the fat back into circulation.

There pressotherapy it's a lymphatic drainage carried out by a special pulsed air machine that gradually inflates, from bottom to top, a couple of boots covering the legs from the feet to the thighs.

Medical and surgical treatments
There mesotherapy consists in injecting under the skin of products that act on cellulite by distributing themselves in the underlying tissues.
Liposuction is a "surgical operation, is performed under anesthesia and consists in" aspirating excess fat in a localized manner.

Electrotherapy and ultrasound lipolysis
The methods currently used exploit electric current, ultrasounds or infrared rays, transmitted thanks to electrodes applied to the areas to be treated or to devices applied directly to the skin. These treatments produce a triple effect: they increase the temperature of the tissues and the cellular permeability of the adipocytes, and decrease the density of the hypodermis tissues.

water retention and free tissues. They have an action fat burning (caffeine) and smoothing and, at the same time, reduce the number and volume of adipocytes, improving the skin's appearance.

The hydrotherapy
Lymphatic water drainage is a special gymnastics performed in the water. The goal is to strengthen the postural muscles, whose action on circulation is four times greater than that of the superficial muscles.

The whirlpools and directional showers, following the lines of the muscles, they are able to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation.

Food supplements
Some active ingredients are particularly suitable for the treatment of cellulite:

- draining, which serve to eliminate toxins and free tissues

- fat burning, intended to reactivate the combustion and elimination of fats.

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