Dreaming of losing your teeth or only one tooth - what does it mean?

Dreaming of losing your teeth - be it all teeth, molars, front teeth or just one tooth - is really a very common dream with a meaning that is anything but unique. What does it mean? Let's find out together!

It will certainly have happened to you too to dream of losing your teeth, perhaps after hearing them swing back and forth for a while "...an annoying sensation that accompanies us even when we wake up, as if we no longer really feel the tooth or teeth in their place! Feeling your teeth falling out can be just as painful as hearing them grow for a child ... if your child is going through this phase, watch this video, it can help!

What does it mean to dream of losing a tooth or more teeth?

Dreaming of losing your teeth can have more than one meaning. It is such a common dream that there are several traditional interpretations, often closer to superstition than to a real psychological interpretation.

According to these traditional interpretations, dreaming of losing your teeth portends the death of someone close to us, especially a relative. According to others, however, dreaming of a falling tooth means that money will soon arrive (remember the famous "tooth fairy" who carried a small coin for each fallen tooth?).

The Freudian psychoanalytic school, on the other hand, links the dream of losing teeth to sexual desire, so that the loss of a tooth would correspond to nothing less than the achievement of pleasure. Putting aside these more extreme interpretations, we can say that the main meaning of dreaming of losing teeth is linked to a sense of helplessness. The loss of a tooth corresponds to the loss of one's personal power, of one's ability to "bite" what we want. This sense of helplessness can be linked to the most varied areas, from sentimental to professional.

Dreaming of losing your teeth means feeling that you no longer exercise any authority, as if we feel we have lost the ability to affirm or seduce. In a more general picture, it can simply mean that we are experiencing a moment of particular weakness, in which we feel lacking in energy and vitality. We no longer have the teeth we need to "bite" life with determination and willpower.

Dreaming of losing your teeth, however, can also be linked to a feeling of lack and actual loss of affection. In fact, it can happen to dream of losing your teeth because a loved one has passed away, or because they have moved away from us. This dream will be a manifestation of the pain of this separation.

Again: dreaming of losing your teeth can represent the desire to change, to leave behind something old to go towards the new. Of course, however, this change is not easy and we feel it with discomfort or pain, just like the loss of a tooth ...

Dreaming of losing a tooth can also symbolize another type of helplessness: the inability to express oneself. It happens to dream of a tooth that falls out if we fail to communicate what we would like and we feel embarrassed, vulnerable, we are afraid of being laughed at. .

Finally, it can happen to dream of losing your teeth if during the day we have lived experiences that have awakened some childhood emotions in the unconscious, something we had experienced as children when we lost our milk teeth.

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What does it mean to dream of losing all your teeth?

Dreaming of losing all your teeth is certainly not a "pleasant experience! Despite this, however, the meaning of the dream may be less dramatic than you imagine. Just think that the typical moment in which all teeth are lost is in the transition from" childhood to adulthood, when we replace milk teeth with definitive ones. Consequently, dreaming of losing all your teeth can be an expression of the fact that you are preparing a great change within yourself, that you are in a crucial phase of transition (even a little traumatic) that will bring you something important for your personal growth and fulfillment.

It is no coincidence that dreaming of losing all your teeth is quite frequent on the threshold of an important step in our existence, whether it is a pregnancy or a transfer, a marriage or a new job ... Attention, however: the reverse may also be true! Sometimes dreaming of losing your teeth can also mean a desire to regress, the desire to go back to being a child, having your final teeth fall out to return to milk ones and not having to take on all the important responsibilities of adult life.

See also: Dictionary of dreams: discover the meaning of your dreams!

© iStock Dream dictionary: find out the meaning of your dreams!

Dreaming of losing your front teeth - what is the meaning?

No less frequent is dreaming of losing your front teeth. What does it mean? Surely for this dream all the generic interpretations linked to the feeling of powerlessness and loss of authority are valid, but in addition a feeling linked to embarrassment and the difficulty of relating with others is added.

If you think about it, it is precisely the front teeth that "make" our smile, the mask with which we present ourselves to the world and which in some way represents our safety, the image we want to give to our neighbors. we dream of them falling into us, we express a sense of profound discomfort and inadequacy with respect to others. It often happens that we have this dream when we are carrying out projects that we care about, but of which we don't really feel up to it ... Dreaming of losing the front teeth, in a nutshell, is a symptom of vulnerability and lack of self-esteem with respect to a given situation.

Dreaming of losing molar teeth - what does it mean?

Even dreaming of losing molars can be interpreted in a more generic way, but with the addition of a small nuance of meaning. This dream, in fact, indicates that we are going through a difficult moment, that there is an obstacle that does not allow us to let ourselves go.

You want to abandon yourself to a new story or a new professional adventure, putting all of yourself into it, but somehow you feel blocked, there is a specific fear that prevents you from continuing and that is generally linked to a particular person ... Try to clarify what you feel and you will be able to clear the path!

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