Lavashells: the most popular massage on returning to the city

Returning to the city can sometimes be more stressful than leaving. This is why we try to soften the impact with something that makes us feel good about ourselves, with the very popular LavaShells, a real trend of 2014. What is it about? The LavaShells is a massage with special shells, coming from of the Philippines, where they are cleaned and treated without the use of chemicals. A truly innovative treatment.

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How does it work? Inside these shells, smooth and soft to the touch, Lavagel is inserted, a natural compound made up of magnesium and iron which, with the addition of a saline solution, creates an exothermic reaction: thus it happens that, within ten minutes, the shell is ready for the massage. Thanks to the heat developed, which will last over an hour, this type of massage is ideal for loosening the most difficult contractures making the muscles relaxed.

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Where can this be done? At the Bionike Resort in Garbagnate Milanese, where it is often associated with Glaciashells, which helps reduce inflammation, dissolve fats and tone muscles. And so, going from hot to cold, you can enjoy an extremely relaxing sensory journey.

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