Teaching science is easy if you turn it into a game

Are your children shivering at the idea of ​​studying scientific formulas and notions? Now this will no longer be the case.

Spillover, a Milanese start-up, presents "The Agency - Operation: Vanishing Lady", the first of a series of spy-games that will thrill the very young (from 8 years old) and will lead them through formulas, puzzles, virtual laboratories and experiments in the wonderful world of science, teaching them chemistry, biology, physics, robotics and genetics in a playful way.

The missions that Spillover presents to players in each application are based on real inventions and experiments, created by real researchers and reworked in the form of an APP in an engaging and exciting context, with a script designed to capture the attention of children; the scientific supervision of an ever-changing expert ensures the seriousness and certifies the quality of the educational contents transmitted.

© Thinkstock

See also Montessori Games: Play is the child's job