Research data reveals: for 1 out of 3 Italians, sex with minors is acceptable

Brace yourselves because the results of the Ipsos survey for Save the Children are truly amazing, and not positive. A hypothetical sexual relationship between a minor and an adult is considered "acceptable" by more than one in three Italians (38%). And not only that, 28% of adults have adolescents among their virtual contacts that they do not know personally, 81% think that sexual interactions between adults and adolescents are widespread and find their input on the Internet, 1 Italian out of 10 attributes the responsibility for the contact initiative for adolescents and 1 interviewee in 100 believes that the sexual relationship with an adult could even be formative for the minor.

The study, carried out last January on a sample of 1,001 adults between 25 and 65 years of age on the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2014, aimed to sensitize young people to a correct and conscious use of the network, given that the Internet if from a on the one hand it is an immense source of information and content, on the other it can hide pitfalls and traps into which the youngest can easily fall.

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