The best phrases in Spanish about life, about love, about enjoying every moment and about travel, to use on social networks

Summer is in full swing and many sunny and carefree days still await us! Take advantage of this beautiful time of the year to tell your friends a little about yourself on social media, starting from the holiday location! forget to take care of your skin: with the strong summer sun it is always recommended to apply a good protective face cream to avoid sun spots. Watch the video!

Spanish phrases for Instagram

Te quiero #paratodalavida.
I love you for life.

La amistad is an alma individual que habita dos cuerpos.
Friendship is a single soul that lives in two bodies.

Los abrazos son la expresión humana del alma.
Hugs are the human expression of the soul.

Cierta oscuridad es necesaria para ver las estrellas.
Some darkness is needed to see the stars.

No llores porque se terminó. Sonríe porque has passed.
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
(Dr. Seuss)

No habrá nada que te pueda asustar si te niegas a tener miedo.
There will be nothing that can scare you if you refuse to be afraid.
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Hence una puerta se cierra, otra se abre.
Where one door closes, another opens.
(Miguel de Cervantes)

No matter the que vean tus ojos, until the que sienta tu corazón.
It doesn't matter what your eyes see, but what your heart feels.

Yes el camino is beautiful, no preguntemos a dónde va.
If the road is good, don't ask where it goes.
(Anatole France)

Escribe in your heart that falls on the day of the year.
Write in your heart that every day is the best of the year.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Only creería en un dios que sepa cómo bailar.
I would just like to believe in a God who can dance.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

El mundo es un libro y aquellos que no viajan only leen una página.
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.
(Augustine of Hippo)

El baile es el lenguaje oculto del alma.
Dance is the hidden language of the soul.
(Martha Graham)

No busques los errores, get a remedy.
Don't look for mistakes, look for a remedy.
(Henry Ford)

No quiero ganarme la vida, quiero vivir.
I don't want to make a living, I want to live.
(Oscar Wilde)

No me hagas case. Yo soy de otro planeta. Todavía veo horizontes donde tú dibujas fronteras.
Don't mind me. I am from another planet. I still see horizons where you draw borders.
(Frida Kahlo)

Cuando pierdas, no pierdas la lección.
When you lose, don't miss the lesson.
(Dalai Lama)

The thermometer of the éxito no es más que la envidia de los descontentos.
The yardstick for success is the jealousy of the dissatisfied.
(Salvador Dalí)

No hay barrera, cerradura ni cerrojo que puedas imponer a la libertad de mi mente.
There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind.
(Virginia Woolf)

Somos los dueños de nuestro destiny. Somos los capitanes de nuestra alma.
We are the owners of our destiny. We are the captains of our soul.
(Winston Churchill)

phrases in Spanish: Agostino d "Hippo

Short quotes in Spanish

Baila la vida, tú eres la música.
Dance life, you are music.

Toma mucho tiempo llegar a ser jóven.
It takes a long time to become young.
(Pablo Picasso)

No creas todo lo que piensas.
Do not believe everything you think.

Que todo fluya y nada influya.
Let everything flow and nothing affect.

Sin locura no hay felicidad.
Without madness there is no happiness.

Todo pasará a su debido tiempo.
Everything will pass in due time.

Aprendiz de mucho, maestro de nada.
Apprentice of much, master of nothing.

Los grandes actos se componen de pequeñas obras.
Great deeds are made up of small deeds.
(Lao Tzu)

Ríe hoy.
Laugh today.

Yes no crees en tu éxito, nadie puede creer en ti.
If you don't believe in your success, no one can believe in you.

Agrádate a ti mismo, no a otros.
Try to please yourself, not others.

Dondequiera que vayamos, será el paraíso.
Wherever we go, it will be heaven.

Cuando no esperas nada, todo llega.
When you don't expect anything, it all comes.

Sonríe más, transmite paz, nunca te rindas.
Smile more, convey peace, never give up.

Algunas veces se gana, otras se aprende.
Sometimes you win, others you learn.

Son locos, but I am mis amigos.
They are crazy, but they are my friends.

Donde no puedas amar, no te demores.
Where you cannot love, don't stop.
(Frida Kahlo)

No te quiero detrás ni delante, up to mi lado.
I don't want you behind or in front, but by my side.

Not if it shines sin oscuridad.
You can't shine without darkness.

El 90% of the éxito is based on insisting.
90% of success is based on persistence.

Confía en ti mismo y sabrás lo que es vivir.
Trust yourself and you will know what it means to live.

La vida no suele ser justa, but yes impartial.
Life is not fair, but impartial.

Ningún límite más to the sky.
No limits except the sky.
(Miguel de Cervantes)

Cuando vayas a un lugar, sólo debes ir con todo tu corazón.
When you go somewhere, go there with all your heart.

El mejor means de la vida es simplemente vivir.
The best meaning in life is simply to live.

Si naciste con alas, no te quedes a gatear en la vida.
If you were born with wings, don't crawl in life.

phrases in Spanish: Pablo Picasso

Aphorisms about life in Spanish, to reflect

Todo holds beauty, but no todo el mundo puede verla.
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it.

Es en el cerebro y solo en el cerebro from which ocurren los grandes acontecimientos del mundo.
It is in the brain and only in the brain that the great events of the world take place.
(Oscar Wilde)

Si pudieras patear el trasero al responsable de cases todos tus problemas, no podrías sentarte en un mes.
If you could kick the ass responsible for most of your problems, you wouldn't be able to sit down in a month.
(Theodore Roosevelt)

Las cosas más bonitas de la vida ocurren when no las esperas.
The best things in life happen when you don't expect them.

Life is a tragedy en primer plano, but a comedia en plano general.
Life is not a close-up tragedy, but a long-shot comedy.
(Charlie Chaplin)

Los pequeños detalles are los que de verdad importan.
The small details are what really matter.

Los momentos más sencillos are in realidad los más bonitos.
The simplest moments are actually the most beautiful.

No existe la muerte. People just die when nos olvidamos de ellos.
Death does not exist. People only die when we forget about them.
(Isabel Allende)

Para lograr que las cosas changes, el primer paso es cambiar tú mismo.
To change things, the first step is to change yourself.

It is curious that la vida, cuanto más vacía, más pesa.
It is curious how life, the more empty it is, the heavier it is.
(Leon Daudí)

The life is a series of colisiones with the future; no es una suma de lo que hemos sido, fino de lo que anhelamos ser.
Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not a sum of what we have been, but of what we wish to be.
(José Ortega y Gasset)

El mundo hay que fabricárselo one mismo, hay que crear peldaños que te suban, que te saquen del pozo. Hay que inventar la vida porque acaba siendo verdad
The world one must create it, it must create the steps that lead it up, that lead it out of the well. One has to invent life for it to become reality.
(Ana María Matute)

Esta que llaman por ahí Fortuna es una mujer borracha y antojadiza, y sobre todo, ciega, y así no ve lo que hace, ni sabe a quien derriba.
What we call luck, she is a drunk and capricious woman, but above all blind, and so she does not see what she is doing, nor does she know who she throws in the dust or who instead takes to the altars.
(Miguel de Cervantes)

phrases in Spanish: Leon Daudi

Continúas intending alcanzar un sueño, aún no has fracasado.
If you keep trying to make a dream come true, you haven't failed yet.

Tu felicidad goes to depender nada más de la calidad de tus pensamientos.
Your happiness will depend on the quality of your thoughts.

Quien con monstruos lucha, cuide de convertirse a su vez en monstruo. Cuando miras largo tiempo to an abism, el abismo también aims inside of you.
Those who struggle with monsters must be careful not to become a monster in doing so. And if you peer into an abyss for a long time, the abyss will also peer into you.
(Friedrich Nietzche)

No vayas donde el camino te puede llevar, ve donde no hay un camino y deja un rastro.
Do not go where the path can take you, go where the path does not yet exist and leave a trace behind you.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

You get the perfección nunca estarás contented.
If you are looking for perfection you will never be happy.
(Lev Tolstoy)

Short you propia madera y you calentará dos veces.
Cut your wood and it will heat you twice.
(Henry Ford)

One is no es lo que es por lo que escribe, until por lo que ha leído.
A person is not what he is for what he writes, but for what he has read.
(Jorge Luis Borges)

En este mundo traidor, no hay verdad ni mentira: todo es según el cristal con que se mira
In this treacherous world, there is no truth or lie: it all depends on the lens with which you look.
(Ramón De Campoamor)

El más terrible de los sentimientos es el sentimiento de tener la esperanza perdida.
The most terrible of feelings is the feeling of having lost hope.
(Federico García Lorca)

Hay que ser muy valiente para pedir ayuda, ¿Sabes? Pero hay que ser todavía más valiente para aceptarla
You have to be very brave to ask for help, you know? But you have to be even more courageous to accept it.
(Almudena Grandes)

To achieve a positive acción, we must desarrollar aquí a positive vision.
To carry out positive action we must develop a positive vision.
(Dalai Lama)

El pato es feliz en su sucio charco porque no conoce el mar.
The duck is happy in its puddle because it doesn't know the sea.
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Cualquier what the mind of the hombre can conceive and create, can be consequent.
What the human mind can conceive, it can also accomplish.
(Napoleon Hill)

Somos lo que pensamos. Todo lo que somos surge de nuestros pensamientos. With nuestros pensamientos construimos el mundo.
We are what we think. All that we are comes from our thoughts. With our thoughts we build the world.

phrases in Spanish: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflections on love in Castilian

Todo lo que se hace por amor, se hace más allá del bien y del mal.
What is done out of love is always beyond good and evil.
(Friedrich Nietzche)

7,000 millones de sonrisas in el mundo y la tuya es mi favorita.
7,000 million smiles around the world and yours is my favorite.

No hay mejor remedio para la tristeza que el amor y una sonrisa.
There is no better remedy for the sadness of love and a smile.

Es mucho más bello amar a tus seres queridos, que odiar a tus enemigos.
It is much more beautiful to love your loved ones than to hate your enemies.

Si nada nos salva de la muerte al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida.
If nothing saves us from death, let love at least save us from life.
(Pablo Neruda)

Lo mejor de la vida no se planea… it simply happens.
The best in life is not planned… it just happens.

Aún hay algo peor que un corazón roto… no haberte enamorado nunca.
There is something worse than a broken heart ... never having fallen in love.

¿Se pueden inventar verbos? Quiero decirte one: Yo te sky, así mis alas se extienden enormes para amarte sin medida.
Is it legitimate to invent new verbs? I want to give you one: I heaven you, so that my wings can extend immeasurably, to love you without borders.
(Frida Kahlo)

Come to sleep conmigo: no haremos el amor, él nos hará.
Come and sleep with me: we will not make love, he will make us.
(Julio Cortázar)

Podrán cortar todas las flores, but no podrán detener the spring.
They can cut all the flowers, but they will never stop spring.
(Pablo Neruda)

Necesito tus ojos para ver, necesito tus labios para sentir, necesito tu alma para vivir, necesito tu existencia para sonreír, te necesito para saber amar.
I need your eyes to see, I need your lips to feel, I need your soul to live, I need your life to smile, I need you to love.
(Frida Kahlo)

La vida no se mide por las veces que respiras, sin por los momentos que te dejan sin aliento.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that leave us breathless.
(Maya Angelou)

phrases in Spanish: on the meaning of love

The best funny phrases in Spanish language

Por qué callar is born grating.
Why be silent if you are born screaming.

Se necesitan dos años para aprender a hablar, y sesenta para aprender a callar.
It takes two years to learn to speak, and sixty to learn to shut up.
(Ernest Hemingway)

Las mejores cosas de la vida te deshacen el pelo.
The best things in life will ruin your hair.

Ríe y el mundo reirá contigo, ronca y dormirás solo.
Laugh and the world will laugh with you, snore and sleep alone.

Tu ignorancia es enciclopédica.
Your ignorance is encyclopedic.

Si hubiera observado todas las reglas, nunca hubiera llegado a ninguna parte.
If I had observed all the rules, I would never have gotten anywhere.
(Marilyn Monroe)

No soy vago, estoy en modo ahorro de energía.
I'm not lazy, I'm in power saving mode.

Most of all he seeks that a person connected to the perfección es el día que rellena una solicitud de empleo.
The day a person is closest to perfection is the day they fill out a job application.

Todo es divertido, siempre y cuando the ocher to another person.
Everything is fun, as long as it happens to someone else.

Yes no puedes convencerlos, confúndelos.
If you can't convince them then confuse them.

Es mejor mantener tu boca cerrada y dejar que piense que eres tonto que abrirla y despejar toda duda.
It is better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than to open it and remove all doubts.
(Mark Twain)

Hay dos palabras que te abrirán muchas puertas: Tire y Empuje.
There are two words that will open many doors for you: pull and push.

Forecast of the time for this night: it is dark.
Weather forecast for tonight: it will be dark.

Al que madruga, nadie le hace el desayuno.
To those who get up early, no one has breakfast.

Me hago responsable de lo que digo, no de lo que entiendas.
I take responsibility for what I say, not what you understand.

Solía ​​pensar que soy indeciso, but ahora no estoy seguro.
I thought I was undecided, but now I'm not sure.

En la vida hay que ser a little dumb porque sinó lo son only los demás y no te dejan nada.
In life you have to be a bit stupid because otherwise only others are stupid and they leave you nothing.
(Ramón Gómez De La Serna)

The 5% of the people are full; el 10% of the people cree que piensa; el otro 85% por ciento of people will prefer to die than think.
5% of people think; 10% of people think they think; the other 85% of people would rather die than think.
(Thomas Edison)

phrases in spanish: fun, to share

Interesting aphorisms about travel in Spanish

El verdadero viaje del descubrimiento does not consist en ver nuevos paisajes, till en tener nuevos ojos.
The real voyage of discovery does not consist in seeking new lands, but in having new eyes.
(Marcel Proust)

Un viaje de mil millas has de comenzar with a simple paso.
Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
(Lao Tzu)

Viajar sirve para ajustar la imaginación a la realidad, y para ver las cosas como son en vez de pensar cómo serán.
Traveling serves to adapt the imagination to reality and to see things as they are, instead of thinking about how they will be.
(Samuel Johnson) Viajamos, no para escapar de la vida, sino para que la vida no se nos escape.
We travel, not to escape life, but so that life does not escape us.

Nada desarrolla both inteligencia como viajar.
Nothing develops intelligence as much as traveling.
(Emile Zola)

Viaja, porque al final sólo nos llevamos recuerdos.
Travel, because in the end what remains are memories.

Viajar es la única cosa que pagas y te hace más rico.
Traveling is the only thing you pay for and that makes you richer.
(Anonymous) Viajar es vivir.
Traveling is living.
(Hans Christian Andersen)

Viaja, el dinero if he recovers, el tiempo no.
Travel, money is recovered, time is not.

Viajar es una buena forma de aprender y de superar miedos.
Traveling is a good way to learn and overcome fears.

Los viajes are como los atardeceres, si esperas demasiado te los pierdes.
Trips are like sunsets, if you wait too long you lose them.

Viajar es mi mejor therapy.
Traveling is my best therapy.
(Anonymous) Viaja, no para encontrarte a ti mismo, sino para recordar quién has sido todo el tiempo.
Travel, not to find yourself, but to remind yourself of who you have been all along.

A buen viajero no holds planes fijos ni tampoco la intción de llegar.
A good traveler has no fixed plans or intention to arrive.
(Lao Tzu)

Viajar es un ejercicio con consecuencias fatales para los prejuicios, la intolerancia y la estrechez de mente.
Traveling is an exercise with fatal consequences for prejudice, intolerance and narrow-mindedness.
(Mark Twain) Un viaje se mide mejor en amigos que en millas.
A journey is better measured in friends than in miles.
(Tim Cahill)

No se a dónde voy pero voy en camino.
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm getting there.

The objetivo de viajar is not only conocer tierras extrañas, until that in the last instancia se pueda volver y ver al propio país con extrañamiento.
The goal of the trip is not just to get to know strange lands, but to go back and see your country with different eyes.
(G. K. Chesterton)

phrases in spanish: about travel

Phrases of the songs in Castilian language

Dices que eramos felices,
Todo ya paso, todo ya paso.
Sé que te corte las alas,
El te hizo volar, el te hizo soñar.
You say we were happy,
Everything is already happening, everything is already happening.
I know I cut your wings,
It made you fly, it made you dream.
(Sofia - Alvarlo Soler)

It depends
Depende ¿de qué depende?
De según como se mire, todo depende
Depende ¿de qué depende?
De según como se mire, todo depende.
It depends, on what it depends
Depending on how you look at it, it all depends
It depends, on what it depends
Depending on how you look at it, it all depends
(Depends - Jarabe De Palo)

Yo te miro, if me short the respiración,
Cuanto tu me miras se me sube el corazón.
Y en silencio tu mirada says mil palabras,
La noche en la que te suplico que no salga el sol.
I look at you and I lose my breath,
When you look at me my heart leaps.
And in the silence your eyes say a thousand words,
The night I beg for the sun not to rise.
(Bailando - Enrique Iglesias)

Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tú
Me gusta viajar, me gustas tú
Me gusta la mañana, me gustas tú
Me gusta el viento, me gustas tú
Me gusta soñar, me gustas tú
Me gusta la mar, me gustas tú.
I like planes, I like you
I like to travel, I like you
I like the morning, I like you
I like the wind, I like you
I like music, I like you
I like the sea, I like you
(Me gustas tu - Manu Chao)

De nuevo mi pantalla se vuelve a encender,
me dices que a las you are nos podremos ver.
te digo “dime donde” yo allí estaré.
Again my screen lights up,
You tell me we can meet at seven.
I tell you "tell me where" I'll be there.
(Dolor de Cabeza - Riki)

Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal,
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan.
Only with thinking it if it accelerates the pulse.
You, you are the magnet and I am the metal,
I approach and prepare my program.
Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster.
(Despacito - Luis Fonsi)

phrases in Spanish: Sofia, Alvaro Soler

Proverbs and clichés in Spanish

Piensa antes de hablar. Lee antes de pensar.
Think before you talk. Read before you think.

¿Cuándo fue la última vez que hiciste algo por primera vez?
When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Un ojo abierto, el otro soñando.
One eye open, the other dreaming.

Hablando del rey de Roma… Por la puerta se asoma
You speak of the devil and the horns come out.

Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres.
Tell me who you go with and I'll tell you who you are.

Ser de puño cerrado.
Have a short arm; be stingy.

Of such pole, such astilla.
Like father Like Son.

El amor holds razones que la razón no entiende.
The heart has its reasons that reason does not know.

Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
Eye does not see, heart does not hurt.

Caballo regalado no if he aims at them el diente.
You don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Go with the hora pegada to the ass.
Having breath on your neck.

Tener mala leche / grape.
Having a temper.

No hay mal que por bien no come.
Not all evils come to harm.

El que quiera pescado que se moje el culo.
Who does it by himself, makes for three.

Ser más largo que un día sin pan.
You are longer than a day without bread.

Ser más pesado que una vaca en brazos.
You are heavier than a cow in her arms.

Más vale tarde que nunca.
Better late than never.

If you like the olla.
To freak out; go crazy.

Vivieron felices y comieron perdices.
And they lived happily ever after.

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