Noni: Here's why you should introduce this fruit from Asia into your diet

Produced from an evergreen native to the hot areas of Southeast Asia, Noni is an oval-shaped fruit known for its therapeutic properties. But perhaps not everyone knows why it is so good and why it might be worth introducing it into your daily diet.

We then discover its main benefits that derive mostly from xeronine, an enzyme present in the cell membrane of the fruit.

Natural pain reliever

Some research has shown the pain-relieving ability of noni juice, particularly effective against headaches and muscle, joint, menstrual and digestive pains.

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No more inflammation

Noni regulates inflammatory processes, as demonstrated by some experiments that have found an improvement in the conditions of patients suffering from tendinitis, arthritis and bursitis.

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Toccasana for the skin

Noni juice can be used to treat skin inflammations, minor burns and minor abrasions. Not only; Noni also contains vitamin C and selenium, two antioxidants capable of counteracting the action of free radicals.

Pressure under control

From an American research it emerged that Noni juice is effective against high blood pressure: the scopoletin present, in fact, favors the production of nitric oxide, which acts on the blood vessels increasing their elasticity and favoring the lowering of pressure.

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Full of energy and good humor

The juice gives energy and fights weakness, because the enzymes contained in it promote the assimilation of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The mood also benefits from this fruit which stimulates the secretion of endorphins and serotonin.

Bowel regularity

Noni juice has been traditionally used as an effective laxative since ancient times.

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Noni juice is not indicated during pregnancy because it could be abortive. Avoid taking it even during breastfeeding as there is no evidence that it can be safe for the baby. Noni also contains a lot of potassium and this can be a problem for people with kidney problems.

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