Fever in pregnancy: symptoms, causes and remedies for your health and that of your baby

Fever in pregnancy can come for several reasons: it can be a simple flu or an infection and be among the symptoms of a more serious problem. The health of the mother during pregnancy is even more important, because it is closely linked to the health of the mother. child: fever in pregnancy can be dangerous and lead to complications for the fetus (the risk increases especially in the first and third trimester), which fortunately happens only rarely.

Fever in pregnancy - if it is not high, but only a slight rise in temperature - can prove to be completely physiological, due to hormonal upheaval, especially during the first trimester. If, on the other hand, you have more than 38 ° C, the reasons may be of viral or bacterial origin, or it may be urinary tract infections. It will always be good to consult your doctor.

Let's find out together everything there is to know about fever in pregnancy, from symptoms to the most common causes up to therapy, risk to the fetus and the best natural remedies.

When fever is a symptom of pregnancy

If the temperature rise is slight, don't worry. In the first weeks of pregnancy it is a completely physiological phenomenon and not related to your health: a slight fever can even be considered one of the first symptoms of pregnancy!

If your temperature rises to 37.1-37.4 ° C at the beginning of pregnancy, the cause is to be found in the hormonal disturbances that your body is experiencing. In particular, the rise in body temperature is given by progesterone, the level of which is increasing in order to help the fetus develop inside the uterus.

So if you are recently pregnant or maybe you just suspect it, you could consider a mild fever as one of the symptoms - along with fatigue - of conception. To be absolutely sure that you are pregnant, however, and to rule out that it may be a simple flu - it will be good to proceed with a pregnancy test. Here is a video that explains how and when to do it:

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What are the causes?

Fever in pregnancy should never be underestimated for your sake and that of the baby. Even if it is a rise of a few degrees, it is always good to investigate the causes by contacting your doctor.

Fever in pregnancy could be due to an infection, and in these cases there could be a danger to the fetus: viruses and bacteria are not always kept under control by the mother's immune system and could cross the placenta, with the risk of premature birth. During pregnancy it is common for a "urinary tract infection to occur, and it is for this reason that checks - month after month - are always necessary.

In other cases, however, it is a simple influence, due for example to a change of season. The fever, in these cases, can also become high, but the temperature tends to drop quickly and usually resolves itself in a short time, without a real danger for the future baby.

In the hot season, on the other hand, it can result from heat stroke. Also in this case it tends to resolve itself. However, it is always good to remember that a pregnant woman must avoid exposing herself to the sun during the hottest hours.

Fever in pregnancy, in some cases (fortunately rarer), is among the possible symptoms of a complication of pregnancy itself. The rise in temperature could result, for example, from a septic abortion (a condition that usually occurs following invasive maneuvers and is accompanied by blood loss and abdominal pain), or from retention of placental material after a curettage or after childbirth In general, if the malaise is accompanied by abdominal pain, it is always good to go to the hospital immediately.

The risks of fever in pregnancy: when can it be dangerous?

The temperature above 38 ° C does not endanger the health of the mother, but it could represent a danger for that of the little one, especially if it is caused by viruses or bacteria. A urinary tract infection, if not treated properly and in time, could lead to a rupture of the membranes.

The risk is certainly higher in the first trimester, when the baby is still in the process of forming and malformations could occur. In the second and third trimesters, however, a high fever could lead to premature rupture of the water, and thus to a premature birth. In general, it will always be good to contact your doctor, who will lower it.

How to lower a high fever in pregnancy?

As we have already said, if a woman during pregnancy has a fever, she must always contact her doctor, who will indicate the most appropriate therapy after identifying the cause of the increase in body temperature.

If it is an infection, antibiotics or other specific medications, among those allowed during pregnancy, may be considered necessary.

If, on the other hand, it is due to the flu, the antipyretic considered safest in pregnancy is paracetamol, which, however, must be taken only if the fever is high and in the minimum dose necessary: ​​it must never be abused!

Natural remedies and advice

Precisely because it is good to reduce drugs during pregnancy, you can always resort to natural remedies in case of fever. Grandmothers have always recommended a nice hot broth or a cup of milk with honey. Drinking lots of liquids is essential, because it helps the body to lower the internal temperature: yes, therefore, to lots of water, light infusions and soups!

Take care of your diet by consuming seasonal fruit and vegetables and rest as much as possible: by staying a lot in bed, in a well-humidified room and with a temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold, you will be able to heal faster!

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