Phrases for children: the most beautiful quotes to dedicate to the little ones

There are many famous phrases and quotes that have as protagonists themes related to children and childhood. They can be pearls of wisdom for slightly disillusioned adults, simple enlightening and comforting thoughts or sweet phrases to dedicate to the little ones, perhaps even during the day. of their birth or on the occasion of their baptism, first communion, when they reach important milestones or as original birthday wishes.

Below you can find a series of phrases, aphorisms and quotes by modern and ancient authors from which to be inspired for a special greeting card to dedicate to your children or simply to remind them of the joys of childhood or being a child.Not only that, these intense, poetic and full of teachings sentences can be excellent food for thought or refuge for adults who are a little disillusioned, who have the desire to rediscover the magic of childhood and its naive and pure way of living and seeing reality. . From the book of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry to Maria Montessori or Gianni Rodari, passing through singer-songwriters and musicians of today.

Before proceeding, however, we suggest some personal phrases to dedicate to the people you love.

The most famous phrases about children from the pens of the great authors of the past

A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something and to demand with all his strength what he wants.
Paulo Coelho

Children know something that most people have forgotten.
Keith Haring

Any child who has two parents who are interested in him and a house full of books is not poor.
Sam Levenson

If there is a hope of salvation and help for humanity, this help can only come from the child, because man is built in him.
Maria Montessori

How heavy is a tear? It depends: the tear of a capricious child weighs less than the wind, that of a hungry child weighs more than the whole earth.
Gianni Rodari

When a man has big problems he should turn to a child; it is they, in one way or another, who possess the dream and freedom.
Fedor Michajlovic Dostoevsky

Children are like sailors: wherever their eyes rest, there is the immense.
Christian Bobin

See also

Sunscreen for children and babies: the best sunscreen for the little ones

Speech therapist for children: the tools for communicating children

Lactating coffee: the effects of caffeine on young children

Only children know what they are looking for. They waste time on a rag doll and she becomes so important that, if taken away from them, they cry.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We have three things left of paradise: the stars, the flowers and the children.
Dante Alighieri

Children have no past and this is the whole mystery of the magical innocence of their smile.
Milan Kundera

Life is a flame that gradually burns out, but which catches fire every time a child is born.
George Bernard Shaw

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, but we forget that he is someone today.
Stacia Täuscher

A child is God's opinion that the world must continue to exist.
Carl Sandburg

A child on his father's shoulders: no pyramid or column of antiquity is higher.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Phrases about childhood

We were all children and, especially in retrospect, we know how that wonderful period of our life is unique, magical and unrepeatable. However, childhood is not only a phase of existence but, metaphorically, it can also be a real inner state of mind that can accompany us throughout our journey, or at least be part of it, so as to allow us to look at life with more genuine, true, pure and cheerful eyes.

Children find everything in nothing, men find nothing in everything, Giacomo Leopardi said, and with this apparently melancholy phrase, even the darkest adults can find a remnant of light and hope and begin to look at the simplest and most ordinary things with new eyes full of enthusiasm.

The following phrases are therefore addressed not only to children, but also to their parents, and more generally to all men, now grown up and far from that past period of their life.

Children are continually intoxicated: intoxicated with living.
Paul-Jean Toulet

Adults are too serious for me. They don't know how to laugh. Better to write for children, it's the only way to entertain myself too.
Roald Dahl

All adults have been children once. (But few of them remember it).
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Phrases and thoughts to dedicate to children

Demonstrate affection, encourage, instill trust and courage in the minds and hearts of the little ones to help them face their journey in the best possible way and make them future men confident, serene and at peace with the outside world. So here are some phrases that are right for you and combine poetic images, lyricism and a great teaching that they will treasure forever.

My tender sprout, which I do not love because you have blossomed again on my plant, but because you are so weak and love has granted you to me.
Umberto Saba

The child does not know that dragons exist because it is written in fairy tales. The child already knows that dragons exist, but he reads in fairy tales that dragons can be defeated.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Each student plays his instrument, there is nothing to do. The difficult thing is to get to know our musicians well and find harmony. A good class is not a regiment that marches in step, it is an orchestra that feels the same symphony. they do it at the right time, the best possible, that they become an excellent triangle, an impeccable harp, and that they are proud of the quality that their contribution gives to the whole. Since the pleasure of harmony makes them all progress, eventually even the little triangle will know the music, perhaps not as brilliantly as the first violin, but it will know the same music. The problem is that they want us to believe that in the world only the first violins.
Daniel Pennac

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Children are like kites: you will teach them to fly but they will not fly your flight; you will teach them to dream but they will not dream your dream; you will teach them to live but they will not live your life. But in every flight, in every dream and in every life, the imprint of the teaching received will remain forever.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Don't lose faith in yourself. So you won't lose trust in others either.
Pema Chodron

If you can occupy the inexorable minute by giving value to every moment that passes, Yours is the earth and all that is in it, And - what's more - you are a Man, my son !.
Joseph Rudyard Kipling

Children and grandparents are the hope of a people. The children, the young people because they will carry it forward, they will carry this people forward; and grandparents, because they have the wisdom of history, are the memory of a people.
Pope francesco

Phrases for growing children

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.
Margaret Mead

The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes a sage.
Alden Alber Nowlan

There are only two inexhaustible legacies that we must hope to pass on to our children: roots and wings.
Harding Carter

Children learn more from how you behave than from what you teach them.
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois

Dreams are important. They keep our eyes wide open, they help us to embrace the horizon, to cultivate hope in every daily action. And the dreams of young people are the most important of all. A young man who cannot dream is an anesthetized young man; he will not be able to understand life, the power of life. Dreams wake you up, take you there, they are the brightest stars, the ones that indicate a different path for humanity.
Pope francesco

Phrases of songs dedicated to children from famous parents

The world is full of artists, songwriters and composers who have dedicated entire songs or verses to their children, for their birth or to accompany their growth. From Jovanotti to Finardi, up to Elisa, all singers of filial love transformed into sweet and unforgettable words and music.

And you got us up from the sky, you found us and slowly you came down, a passage from a seagull, it placed you on a rock and it was you.
May flower, Fabio Concato

It will be difficult to apologize for a world that is what it is, in my small way I try something but to change it is difficult it will be difficult to say happy birthday to you your way, you will go your way, you will walk and fall, you will always get up your way. In your way you will see your way you will swing, you will jump, you will always change your way.
Your way, Elisa

There is only one thing I can do, it is to feed your dreams and then let them come true, but if your illusions turn into disappointments I will try to give you the strength to keep hoping (fighting).
My baby man, Eugenio Finardi

It does not even seem true to me that I am a father of a son who tomorrow will be someone else who will have to get by well, get busy, have pains and some small satisfaction.
Welcome, Vasco Rossi

Love that you have given nothing to the world, when your gaze arrives, it will be the pain of a crescendo, it will be like seeing yourself inside. I love you so much and nothing will end if you are not afraid to continue living.
Sometimes, Gianna Nannini

It is for you that the trees are green and pink the bows in maternity, it is for you that the sun burns in July, it is for you this whole city, it is for you that the walls are white, and the dove flies, it is for you the December 13th, the school bell is for you, everything there is for you ninna na ninna e ..
For you, Jovanotti

Dancer of the Scala in Milan
There is a flood, I am coming to take you on a run
I ask you "where are we going?"
To see the brontosaurs and whales
In an illustrative physical macrocosm
To hear the songs and the sirens and never leave us anymore.
Little girl, Francesco Bianconi (Baustelle)

You will have your time
to go far
you will walk, forgetting
you will stop dreaming
you will have, you will have, you will have the same as mine
sad hope
and you will feel that you have not loved
never enough
if you love love you will have.
You will have, Claudio Baglioni

See also: The most beautiful phrases about happiness

© Getty Images The best phrases about happiness

Phrases and quotes from movies

Even the films, especially the feature films for children by Walt Disney, have given pearls of wisdom for the little ones. From the Peter Pan movie to the most recent cartoons, also suitable for adults, there are many phrases that can instill confidence, courage, strength and enthusiasm in our children.

If you can dream it you can do it. Always remember that this whole adventure started with a little mouse.
Walt Disney

Never stop dreaming, only those who dream can fly.
Peter Pan

Remember, you are the only one who can fill the world with sunshine.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Look with the eyes of another; vibrate with the heart of another and discover what it means to be brothers.
Koda brother bear

The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most precious of all.

Whatever happens, I will be by your side forever.

Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Beauty Marriage