10 things you absolutely need to know before undergoing laser hair removal

Raise your hand if you would not pay gold to permanently get rid of unwanted hair! Thanks to technology today it is possible to take several ways to remove them, including the one that sees the use of the laser and that promises permanent results, where permanent stands for "that lasts over time" and not for "definitive".

The laser used emits a beam of light that heats the hair and the hair bulb, damaging the latter and preventing it from producing new unwanted hair for a long time.

Results depend on many factors, including skin type, circulating hormones, and genetic factors. So it is impossible to establish in advance what results you will be able to achieve. Certainly the hairs will grow thinner, weaker and some areas will be devoid of it, but this is not a miraculous and universal method.

However, if you have decided to undergo laser hair removal which, let's face it, can be an excellent solution, consider these 10 points first.

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1. No in the summer

Not so much because it is hot, but because if you intend to sunbathe, the laser may not only have no effect, but cause spots and irritation on the skin then exposed to the sun's rays. It is therefore advisable to start this cycle of treatments in autumn or winter.

2. Waxing prohibited

To undergo laser hair removal you must have removed the hair with a razor, not with waxing or epilators. This is because the laser acts on the hair follicle, if the latter is not present, the treatment is useless.

3. Test first

On the first date, don't think you've already solved the hair problem. The first meeting will only serve to establish that your skin can be subjected to laser beams without any strange reactions. You will then only be tested on a small part of your body.

4. The laser is not a magic wand

Depending on the area to be treated, the hormonal functions, the life cycle of the hair, it may take 5, 10, 20 sessions. Not everyone reacts in the same way and if your friend has solved her hair problems in just over two months, it may not be the same for you. Arm yourself with patience (and money).

5. It takes its time

Although it is a quick treatment, a lot also depends on the size of the area to be treated. If you are interested in permanently removing armpit hair in a quarter of an hour, you will be fine, but if your goal is to have silky smooth legs without having to think about waxing and the like, count at least one hour per session.

6. Out of sight

Make sure you are given shielding goggles to protect your eyes from the laser light, which can be very harmful.

7. Don't be in a hurry

To see the first results, expect to wait at least 3 months and be regular with the sessions, usually 1 per month. This is because hairs have their own precise life cycle and can only be effectively hit by the laser when they are in a certain phase of that cycle.

8. Painless? Not really...

Let's be honest, laser hair removal is not exactly painless. Every time the beam hits the bulb you will feel a more or less intense and annoying tingle. Of course, nothing unbearable, but we can't even say that it will be a relaxing and pleasant treatment. ... Get ready!

9. Stock up on sunscreen

Given that you should always have your skin protected from solar rays, which also affect the city and even when the sun is hidden by the clouds, this is even more true after you have undergone a laser hair removal session, when the skin is doubly sensitive. and receptive.

10. No to hot showers, perfumes and deodorants

For the same reason just mentioned, in the 24-48 hours following a laser hair removal session it is good that you avoid hot showers, alcohol-based perfumes and deodorants. The skin is still too sensitive and, in addition to feeling discomfort and pain, you may irritate it.

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