Nothing is by chance: here are 5 types of people that the universe gives us

You know Sliding Doors, the 1998 film where you just have to miss (or take) a subway to see your life change drastically?
Well, it may be that the reality is not very different from that feature film with Gwyneth Paltrow who, in full Helen Quielley style, is proud to be the woman she is today.

  1. · 1. People wake up
  2. · 2. People post it
  3. · 3. Compass people
  4. · 4. People watering can
  5. · 5. People bracelet

It seems impossible but the universe tries to talk to us and sends us people to make us understand if we are wrong: are we good at listening to it?

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1. People wake up

It can happen. It happens that we descend into an unsolicited state of numbness and spend the days at home, cuddling ourselves, telling lies and waiting for things to change although we do nothing for this to happen.
The nice thing is that, in addition to this, it can happen that we meet people who stretch out their hand to us and who, step by step, open our eyes and teach us to look at the world in the right perspective.

2. People post it

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Post it notes are one of the best inventions of the last century, while post it people are one of the biggest plagues. They stick labels on you and recycle with you the same words used with others. When you meet them, the universe is trying to tell you two things: run away before it's too late or before, as happened to Carrie Bradshaw, they decide to leave you with the help of a yellow slip.

3. People compass

Those who know you know it, they know what you want and they know what you are looking for even if, for one reason or another, you feel like a sailor at the mercy of the storm. You can choose to listen to them or sail towards new shores but one thing it's certain: compasses always take you home.

4. People watering can

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Nobody likes a cold shower, not even if you're Adam Levine or if you're doing it for charity. People like this help us grow, but at what a price! It pours and they are there, while you flounder, ready to shower you with advice because they want to see you grow up and they want you to realize your victories even when you don't want to.
They do it with love because they know that the final result will be excellent but there are times when the only things you want are a little sun, a smile and some sweet words.

5. People bracelet

They are and will always be by your side. Just like a bracelet, you will sometimes forget that they are there and it may be that months go by without you feeling but, ultimately, they are good people and you can rely on at any time in your life.
They are the best gift because it is clear: they were born to stay.

Now all you have to do is decide who you want to be for those around you: alarm clock, post-its, compass, watering can or bracelet?
When in doubt, learn to open your heart: you certainly can't go wrong.

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