Here's why wearing makeup despite the quarantine: 5 reasons to do it

How many of you, as soon as the country was declared entirely red zone, put your make-up in a bathroom cabinet and, after 2 months, completely removed their existence? It is quite common, in fact, that, having to spend whole days at home, perhaps in solitude, this habitual gesture (for some, of course) has been completely excluded from the new routine. Yet, even if it may seem absurd to you, there are "daredevils" who have remained inexorably faithful to this practice. Indeed, in quarantine, theirs has become a real need. But do you know that, perhaps perhaps, they are not all wrong? Let's find out why!

Small necessary reflection: it should be emphasized, in fact, that everyone has a completely personal way of finding peace in this "hell" and should not be judged for this. We always preach the value of freedom, how much this must be an unassailable right for all of us, so we let everyone be free to feel good as they see fit and - above all - they succeed, whether they want to continue wearing makeup or not, whether they delight in kneading pizzas relentlessly, whether his greatest culinary effort is putting frozen foods to heat in the microwave. In short, live and let live!

1. Self-esteem

Feminine and attractive, this is how some people want to feel despite forced isolation. Self-esteem is one of the fundamental ingredients to face a moment of crisis head on. In this, makeup plays a fundamental role, but it does not necessarily have to be used only in the presence of others. Believe it or not, you may want to look your best even just for yourself, without the need for someone to bask and witness our beauty. Let us remember, in fact, that we are not desperate for appreciation, sometimes, we just need to feel at ease in front of a mirror.

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2. Sense of normality

You no longer know what day it is, what month and season we are in, do you still hardly remember your name? Well, everything is normal. The situation we are experiencing involves a certain amount of alienation and the ensuing consequences can have a significant impact on our psyche. This pandemic has dramatically disrupted our routine and it is not easy to create a new one out of thin air. Let us try, then, to maintain at least those uses and customs to which we can also dedicate ourselves within the walls of the house. Make-up is one of them. Whether it was a passion or, simply, a habit, let's not abandon it on a dusty shelf. Replicating all those gestures that were part of our daily lives will help us not to lose awareness of reality and, above all, to remember who we are.

3. Entertainment

Furthermore, focusing on the act itself, therefore on all the steps that the beauty routine involves, causes our brain to momentarily distract itself from anxious thoughts and rediscover a sense of serenity.

4. Self-care

Let's try to change the perspective with which we look at things: the time spent during make-up is time that we dedicate to ourselves, certainly not a waste. Especially now, when our mood is fluctuating every day, it is our sacrosanct right to pamper ourselves, giving ourselves those attentions that we often deprive ourselves of and that we tend to ensure only to others.

5. Optimism

Wearing make-up is a beauty ritual… .and in a good mood. Cosmetics, in fact, have various beneficial effects not only on an aesthetic level, but also on a psychological level. Choosing to put on makeup every morning after a hearty breakfast provides us with the necessary energy to better face our day, even in the middle of a pandemic. In addition to restoring the luster lost amid worries and distressing news, this morality can be an immediate source of optimism for us. To say it is The Lipstick Effect, a study conducted in 2017 at Harvard, according to which people who wear makeup have a better attitude towards life and the world around them. Could it be for this reason that, data in hand, in times of crisis red lipsticks are among the best-selling products? In short, the good old make-up proves to be an essential ally to regain confidence in ourselves and, consequently, in the potential of the future.

Tags:  Lifestyle Love-E-Psychology Kitchen