How to kiss a guy: tricks to do it divinely!

Not just kissing, but also the scents, the music, the atmosphere, and above all the person who made the first move. But how do you prepare to kiss a guy for the first time?

Practical advice on the lips

Here are some tips to experience the first kiss to a boy or a girl without any thoughts and enjoy the moment in the best way. First, if you think something might snap, don't get caught unprepared. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable but still attractive. Don't skip the steps of your daily routine - it would be a shame to arrive at the fateful moment and realize you're out of place in front of the guy you like! A very important thing to not feel blocked by shyness is to have fresh breath. Take care of your teeth meticulously (as we all should always do) and bring mints or chewing gums with you to have a safety boost always at hand and reserve a boy or girl in front of you. pleasant experience on the lips !.

See also

How to kiss: tips and techniques for kissing well

Quotes about kissing: the most beautiful quotes about kissing and kissing

How to break up with a guy: 8 ways to avoid! See also: Stars who gave their first kiss on set

© Getty Images Stars who gave their first kiss on set

Before the first kiss

Kisses are all important but the first kiss is a delicate and beautiful moment. The barrier that sometimes may not be easy to overcome, however, is that of shyness and impasse. How to unlock and decide to take the initiative? How to give the green light to kisses? What is always important to do every time is to try to listen to your feelings and be authentic, without rushing things but not even trying to wait for the perfect moment. Even the unforgettable moments have some imperfections, but you will see that if he is really the right person he will always go well and all the details will be absolutely secondary. We said: try to listen to your feelings. Before a kiss there is usually a conversation, a moment of sharing in which the necessary harmony is created for the spark to be triggered. Try to be completely present in the moment and listen to the other person, perhaps just looking at his mouth with more attention. In this way the kiss will be much more natural and it will be much easier to understand when the right time is. Thinking too much can be counterproductive and, above all, become stressful. Enjoy it!

Can I take the first step if I'm a girl?

Absolutely. There is nothing more beautiful than a girl who knows what she wants and who is not afraid to take it. If waiting is no longer fun it can start to become a cause for worries and thoughts, then the best thing to do is to remind yourself that a relationship must first of all make you feel good. There is no point in continuing a relationship with a boy or girl if that relationship becomes counterproductive. Feel free to prod your partner and make the first move! Precisely for this reason the best solution is to take courage and take initiative. It could be good anyway! If a relationship is not destined to blossom, it will certainly not be a kiss given suddenly to determine it, and vice versa: if there is attraction, there is no wrong time to start kissing!

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During the first kisses

Can I use my tongue or should I take it slow and just start with a kiss on the lips? Is a strong or gentle kiss better? What does a guy like? What does a girl like? What are the rules for the perfect kiss? And especially when kisses can be considered perfect? There is no point in thinking about technique when it comes to giving the first kiss. Follow the flow, leave your hands free to go and don't worry about the rest: it's a moment that comes naturally and surely, in the highlight, you won't be going through a mental ladder on how to alternate the moments in which to kiss with the lips and those in which to kiss with the tongue. However, if you want a breviary of quick rules for an unexpected first kiss, remember not to go apnea and to continue breathing normally, to try to be relaxed both in the face and in the body and to support the movements of the partner, accompany the kisses with your hands and remember that closing your eyes will likely immerse you even more in the moment (only if you want, it is not mandatory). It worked?

Then? What happens after the first kiss

The first kiss is always a small bet. If there is attraction with someone, it will be difficult for the first kiss to turn out to be unpleasant, but it may also happen that you do not experience the expected sensations. The first kiss is always revealing: it helps to understand if there is really chemistry with someone. Sometimes it's just best to stop there.
The end of a kiss is a small return to reality in which we know a little more about you and your partner. Whatever the report, try to take things with serenity: then there will be time to talk about it later. Enjoy the moment that comes, try to understand what you want from this person ... and who knows maybe brushing your lips will prove to be a sweet, tender discovery.

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What to do if the other person pulls back?

It happened: you overcame all the anxieties, you jumped in, but in any case at the key moment the person you wanted so much pulled back, your potential partner did not return the kiss and indeed made you understand that what you had seen had been just a blunder. What may have happened? The most important advice is not to be overwhelmed by embarrassment: every attempt is a gesture that requires courage and therefore admirable. Also, do not be fooled by a sudden no: it does not mean that you have misunderstood all the previous signals, just as it is not said that the other person feels a total rejection of you. A kiss is just a kiss: the boy or girl you like could have a thousand reasons for wanting to postpone this moment of intimacy. Always take into consideration the fact that a person's choices can be related to many factors, which include their personal history that we often know next to nothing about. The choice not to indulge could be related to worries, previous disappointments, or simply the fact that it was not the right day or the right time. This is not an invitation to try again, on the other hand the first rule is that no means no and the choices must be respected. But it is equally important that a refusal is not experienced as a defeat and that it does not affect us on a personal level and self-esteem. In short, taking it well is a must! On the other hand, the sea is full of fish 🙂

Tags:  Kitchen Old-Test - Psyche Parenthood