When celebrities visit the surgeon. The before and after of the stars who have redone!

It is known that stars often resort to cosmetic surgery to deceive the signs of aging and show off a youthful and shining face despite the passing of age, especially with a view to a longer and more profitable career. Too bad that sometimes the desire to stay young gets a little out of hand to celebrities, so much so that they make real havoc. Yes, because if in some cases, the retouching may seem miraculous, in others it turns out to be an unforgivable misstep that it ruins the image of the diva in question rather than improving it. At a time when the issue of the abuse of cosmetic surgery by the stars is back in vogue, we decided to take a look at the most famous celebrities who have succumbed to the charm of the scalpel, comparing them with some of their old photographs, which they portray them before the surgeon's intervention.

By Jennifer Gray, historical interpreter of Dirty Dancing, who with a rhinoplasty has completely transformed the image, to Meg Ryan and Nicole Kidman, once splendid actresses with an innate charm, now plastic beauties and built in botox format, up to the last diva who unfortunately let herself be tempted by the " help from the surgeon, Renée Zellweger, the beloved Bridget Jones who just in recent days has caused a media fuss with her new "face", making us regret the natural and contagious smile she once wore.

Find out which other stars have succumbed to cosmetic retouching and surrendered to the power of the scalpel. In the gallery below you can see the celebrities before and after their transformation. What do you think of the result?

See also Test: who do you look like? Discover the star in you!

Tags:  Fashion Old-Couple Beauty