Taurus ascendant: personality and main characteristics

According to astrology, to fully understand our personality, our interests and affinities in love, it would not be enough to look only at our main zodiac sign. The same also applies to the "Horoscope, according to which our fate would also be dictated by combination of the sign in the position of the Sun, the pivotal one of one's birth chart, and of the "ascendant. By ascendant s" means that zodiac sign that was rising, at the exact moment of birth. The ascendant is calculated through the day and the precise hour of when one was born.

Before discovering everything about a particular ascendant, that of Taurus, let's briefly review the specific characteristics of each zodiac sign:

As mentioned, today we will discover specifically the merits, defects and compatibility in the relationships of the Taurus ascendant. Concrete, patient and stable, Taurus is certainly one of the most stubborn signs of the Zodiac and his stubbornness is proverbial. However, his personality can change depending on the zodiac sign with which it is combined.

See also

Leo ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Scorpio ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Virgo ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Taurus as a zodiac sign

All those born between April 21 and May 20 are of the sign of Taurus. Together with Virgo and Capricorn, Taurus is one of the zodiac signs of Earth and is directly influenced by the planet Venus, a symbol of beauty and love, especially as regards the maternal side, very protective and affectionate.

Gentle and warm, Taurus is still an Earth sign and, therefore, concreteness is the basis of its personality. He is a determined and self-confident sign, endowed with remarkable courage and "incredible fortitude". Furthermore, the natives of Taurus are famous for their infinite patience and sweetness towards both friends and those of family and partners.

A bit like Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces, in love, these people are not made for short adventures but for serious and lasting stories, in which they reveal themselves as loving but also carnal and passionate companions, who love to give and receive pleasure.

However, as with all signs, Taurus has not only strengths, but also shortcomings. In fact, his proverbial calm often turns into slowness. In everyday life it can reveal one of the most sedentary and habitual signs of the Zodiac. Also, in any relationship he can be particularly jealous and possessive, lacking self-criticism in arguments.

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All the main characteristics of the Taurus ascendant

Many of the strengths and weaknesses of Taurus as a sign in the position of the Sun, which is the main position of the birth chart, remain even when it is found as an ascendant. Therefore, the Taurus ascendant is distinguished by its calm, tranquility and perseverance. . As with Leo, Virgo and Capricorn, Taurus also always retains its determination which leads it to be one of the most stubborn signs of the Zodiac. Thanks to this ability and life force, he manages to pursue and achieve even the most difficult goals.

In addition to this, who has the Taurus ascendant is certainly a very patient and diplomatic person, able to mediate even in the most complicated and delicate situations, a bit like what happens in the case of Libra. He demonstrates a high dose of loyalty and honesty towards his friendships: joining his circle of friends is not easy, but once you do it will be forever.

Finally, the Taurus ascendant does not lose his stubbornness that sometimes precludes him from changes that would instead be positive. He is particularly attached to material goods and this aspect often makes him an avid saver who in the eyes of others can be seen as miserly. famous laziness and sedentary lifestyle of the sign, in addition to the unmistakable jealousy.

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The Taurus ascendant in love

Unlike signs like Scorpio, Aries or Aquarius, Taurus, even as an ascendant, has very clear ideas: one-night-only stories are not for him, because he seeks a companion who is for life from a young age. Thus, he often runs the risk of prematurely binding himself to a person to satisfy this search for stability and concreteness that distinguish him. Just as he does with his friends, the Taurus ascendant is also calm and warm towards his partner. He tends to protect those he loves and to always be available towards him, giving all his affection.

However, every relationship is not based on fantasies and not too much on romance, because these natives frequently reveal their physical and carnal side. Behind their facade made of tranquility and patience, hides a sensual and warm soul that make the Taurus ascendants passionate and fiery lovers.

Be careful, however, not to instill the seed of doubt in a Taurus ascendant. For him, fidelity and loyalty are the basis of any relationship, therefore, if suspicious, he becomes jealous and possessive, sometimes in an extreme way. It goes without saying that he can't stand betrayal: when his trust is damaged, he can never be regained!

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In general, Taurus gets along very well with the signs of Water. In fact, with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces he manages to form excellent bonds both in love and friendship.He can also establish lasting relationships with Virgo and Libra, with whom he shares the ruling planet, Venus, and a taste for the aesthetic and material pleasures of life. Obviously these affinities in love can change depending on the main zodiac sign that is combined with this ascendant.

The influence of the Taurus ascendant on health

Several studies of astrology and of the horoscope have shown how the signs present in one's zodiac chart do not indicate only some aspects relating to personality, qualities, defects and affinities in love. In fact, the combination of the main and ascendant zodiac sign can also affect Health. Usually, those with Taurus ascendant are in good health. Of a strong and resistant nature, these individuals do not present particular ailments if not a certain tendency to gluttony.

In fact, the Taurus is a lover of good food and for this reason, especially in adulthood, could put on weight. its weak points par excellence along with the throat, nape and neck. When he falls ill, he shows a particularly fast resilience, perhaps also thanks to his fortitude.

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The Taurus ascendant in relation to the other zodiac signs

After having seen the most important characteristics of the Taurus ascendant, it is good to see how it expresses itself when it is put in relation to the other zodiac signs. In fact, the personality of each one is given precisely by this combination and only in this way can we have a more clear and outlined. So, we have compiled a brief summary of all possible relationships. Look for your sign and find out which aspects are emphasized or attenuated by the great influence of Taurus!

  • Aries: an Aries person with a Taurus ascendant sees the typical impulsiveness of the Fire sign attenuated and more concreteness thanks to that of Earth. This native strives to achieve his goals, also because he constantly seeks economic security. "Taurus ascendant favors more stability in love relationships, which can thus also lead to marriage.
  • Taurus: who is Taurus ascendant Taurus can see the main strengths or weaknesses of the sign enhanced or attenuated. In general, these are very concrete people, who go out of their way to get their job done or what they have in mind. They are resolute and workaholic, paying particular attention to economic stability. In love they seek marriage, but their inflexibility will be improved in the life of the couple.
  • Gemini: If you are Gemini ascendant Taurus, then you see two polar opposites that meet right in your character. We are talking about the "artistic flair of the sign of" Air and the determination of that of Earth, characteristics that can take you far in your work. There are more difficulties in the couple because the fickleness of the Gemini and the stubbornness of the Taurus are often out of balance.

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  • Cancer: Cancer's sensitive soul combines well with the stability of the Taurus ascendant, moderating the emotional insecurity and moodiness of the Water sign. The pragmatism of the Taurus helps the Cancer to carry out his projects, even if the focus of this native will always remain family and friends. He is always ready to act in favor of those he loves, as strong and lasting relationships are everything for him.
  • Leo: a Leo ascendant Taurus person is willing to do anything to make their dreams come true and achieve the most important goals. Ambitious, tenacious and stubborn, these individuals are also endowed with a particular charm that makes them irresistible, despite sometimes proving opportunistic. The fieryness of Leo combines well with the passion of the Taurus. In love, stability is sought with marriage.
  • Virgo: the meticulousness and precision typical of Virgo meet the concreteness of the Taurus ascendant making these people very inclined to work independently and to economic organization. They are extremely reticent to changes, prone, instead, to habit and sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, they appear to be responsible and attached to the family.
  • Libra: If you are Libra ascending Taurus, then you are influenced entirely by Venus! You are characterized by charm, sensitivity and a particular tendency to hedonism, which is, however, kept under control by the sign of the Earth. You love refinement and elegance. Your career is overshadowed by your private life, which you dedicate yourself to with body and soul: your partner can only feel loved.
  • Scorpio: The ambiguity of Scorpio is slightly attenuated by the Taurus ascendant, which makes it more constant and thoughtful. These natives have irrefutable charm and artistic flair, while the sign of Earth gives them more pragmatism. Life as a couple is not always easy because this Scorpio turns out to be restless, jealous and stubborn.

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  • Sagittarius: A Taurus ascendant Sagittarius person is very positive, optimistic and prone to material goods, which he sometimes deals with without any propensity to save. The stability of the sign of Earth makes that of Fire calmer, but all this may not apply to the love life. Passionate and great seducer, the fiery and lively soul of Sagittarius tends to be recognized often preferring non-binding relationships.
  • Capricorn: If you are a Taurus ascendant Capricorn, surely you are famous for your stubbornness and stubbornness! Nothing stops you in front of your goals, committing yourself with all of yourself to achieve them. Your courage never goes unnoticed, as does your inflexibility. In love, excessive rationality could be a problem, along with jealousy.
  • Aquarius: a difficult encounter between the Uranus of Aquarius and the Venus of Taurus. In fact, on the one hand there is the idealism of the Air sign, on the other the pragmatism of that of the Earth which does not always find the right balance. However, these people will have imagination and rationality at their disposal: they just have to figure out how to combine them. Life in the family and with a partner could be difficult because of this inner dichotomy, but there is a greater attachment to traditional values.
  • Pisces: the sensitivity and creativity of Pisces goes very well with the reflexivity and concreteness of Taurus. The sign of Water will be more inclined to complete their work without giving in to indolence, while that of Earth will be endowed with a more artistic flair. In love, stable and lasting relationships are sought, in which the romanticism and passion of the two zodiac signs are mixed.

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