All about wool


Generally, the word "wool" designates the fibers of the sheep. However, there are other types of wool that are named after the animals they come from: "mohair" wool comes from the mohair rabbit, "angora" comes from the angora rabbit, cashmere from the goat of the same name ...

Its features

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Excellent thermal insulator, wool keeps us warm by trapping almost 80% of air in its weight. In this way, it easily absorbs moisture and remains relatively elastic.

How to take care of it

Sheep's wool is quite durable, you just have to be careful not to deform it when you wash it.

Cashmere: the first rule is to remove the cashmere sweaters gently, being careful not to widen the neck or the seams. The cashmere makes the balls, even if it is of excellent quality. Just remove them by hand from the first appearance, or use a special soft brush, being careful to use it delicately in the direction of the weaving of the shirt, from top to bottom.

Mohair and angora: before putting on the sweater and after washing it, put it in a plastic bag and keep it in the fridge for a couple of hours or in the freezer for an hour.

The washing

Regardless of the type of wool, it is important to respect the information on the label.

Sheep's wool: being thick, you can afford to wash it in the washing machine, but at 30 ° C and choosing a delicate wash. The ideal is to put the woolen garments in a pillowcase or net.

The first time, wash your sweaters yourself, as there is a risk that they will fade.

The ideal is to buy a special detergent for wool and always add a softener that will make it shiny and silky.

To avoid warping, let your woolen items dry on a hanger. Also avoid washing them too often, to prevent them from spoiling quickly.

Delicate wools: angora, cashmere, mohair ... are washed by hand and in cold water and then left to dry flat.Try to eliminate excess liquid, wool that is too full of water can deform.

Tip for drying: after washing them, put your woolen items in a pillowcase and then in the washing machine drum. Quick drying allows you to eliminate a lot of water!

To iron it: turn the garment inside out and cover it with a damp cloth, so as not to burn the wool fibers.

Did you know that? There are very soft wools, perfect for newborns, because they do not sting and take care of their sensitive skin.

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