Sadness in the heart: phrases to communicate your feelings

Everyone happens to feel sad every now and then. Life does not go as we would like, love makes us suffer and we think that everything is going wrong ... When we feel a feeling of sadness in our hearts, reading the phrases of the great thinkers can cheer us up. Remember: there is none. nothing wrong with telling the bad moments, on the contrary: crying is liberating.

Watch the video to find out why crying is one of the things that makes us feel better sometimes.

The best phrases about sadness

When melancholy envelops us and we feel sad and heartbroken, one thing that can cheer us up is communicating our feelings to others. Take a cue from these famous quotes about sadness to talk about your pain, and you will feel less alone. You can write these aphorisms for someone and keep them in your heart, their function is to make you understand that you are not alone.

"Depression is a lady dressed in black that you have to sit at your table and listen to." Carl Gustav Jung

"Sadness comes from the loneliness of the heart". Montesquieu

"One cannot be deeply sensitive in this world without being sad very often." Erich Fromm

"I know well the feeling of sadness that inspires the precariousness of things, I feel it every time a flower fades. But it is a sadness without despair". Herman Hesse

"There is also this in the world, the sadness of not being able to cry in hot tears. It is one of those things that cannot be explained to anyone, and even if one could, no one would understand it. The sadness that is too deep cannot take the form of tears". Haruki Murakami

"It is often necessary to reflect on why we are happy, but we always know why we are sad". Karl Kraus

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Phrases, aphorisms and quotes about sadness

By typing in Google "phrases and aphorisms about sadness" you will find many famous quotes to use in your sad moments. Melancholy, famous, brief, depressive words, ... The most evocative images to make the best of the feelings enclosed in your soul.

"Pleasure is always either past or future, and it is never present". Giacomo Leopardi

"How noble is he who, with a sad heart, still wants to sing a happy song among happy hearts". Khalil Gibran

"Sometimes a moment is enough to forget a life, but sometimes a life is not enough to forget a moment". Jim Morrison

"Our happiest successes are tainted with sadness." Pierre Corneille

"The tragedy of life is what dies inside every man as the days go by". Albert Einstein

"Where there is fear, there is no" happiness. Lucio Anneo Seneca

"Every true pain is written on slabs of a mysterious substance compared to which granite is butter. And an eternity is not enough to erase it". Dino Buzzati

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The most beautiful phrases that express the image of sadness

"Unhappiness is needed to understand joy, doubt to understand truth ... Death to understand life. Therefore face and embrace sadness when it comes." Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"If the leaves of the trees did not move, the trees would be infinitely sad and their sadness would be ours." Edgar Degas

"Ah! I really don't know what's sadder than not being sad anymore!". Guido Gozzano

"Work is the best antidote to sadness". Arthur Conan Doyle

"Selfishness is the root of sadness". Robert Baden Powell

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