Losing 30 pounds: here's how to do it in a healthy way

Dukan Method, Atkins Diet or South Beach Regimen: Have you tried all possible and unimaginable diets, but never achieved the desired success? Well, it's time to say enough to deprivation and stop relying on one miraculous method after another. Only in this way, it will be possible to lose 30 kilos. Extreme diets, in fact, are designed to be followed in the short term. The tendency, in fact, is to remain motivated only for the duration of the diet, while, once interrupted, one inevitably returns to the old habits, ending up eating exactly the same or even more than before. Before embarking on a slimming path, therefore, it is urgent to change one's mentality and lifestyle permanently. But how to do it? Let's find out together!

Small but due recommendation: if you wish to lose weight, always consult your doctor before embarking on a diet!

Before continuing, watch this video and find out which foods you can always eat!

When to go on a diet

Before embarking on a diet, it is essential that the mind is ready and sufficiently motivated to take this path seriously. There are conditions, in particular, that can lead a person to decide to lose weight such as an excessively sore back or high blood sugar values. Health problems, in fact, more than aesthetic needs, make us aware of the dangers that lie behind overweight and obesity and hang on the individual who suffers from it like a sword of Damocles. Only this awareness can stimulate us to take care of ourselves and to act before it is too late.

See also

The 1200 calorie diet: to lose weight in a healthy way

Losing weight according to the type of body: here's how to do it

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How to succeed in losing weight

How can you lose weight when no diet seems to work? It happens, in fact, that even the Weight Watchers system, which promotes a healthy lifestyle, fails. In doing so, the person who wants to lose weight only ends up gaining more weight. Therefore, instead of reading the often contradictory advice on nutrition books, it is important to start studying and understanding the labels of the products we ingest daily. To significantly reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, you must first learn to look more closely at the nutritional values ​​shown behind the packaging. By doing this, you will be more motivated to prefer raw and natural products rather than foods rich in sugar, or foods based on whole grains instead of refined flours. Obviously, the transition is not always easy and immediate, but with a little patience, you will get used to it quickly. By eating healthy and without deprivation, you will say goodbye to that feeling of tiredness and laziness that usually characterizes diets.

So, in general, to lose 30 pounds you need to make sure your food is as fresh and healthy as possible.For example, instead of drinking orange juice, why not eat the fruit directly? Industrial foods, in fact, often contain sugars and fats of which less attentive consumers are not aware.

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Losing 30 kg: a typical day

If you want to lose 30 kg, you must first change your lifestyle. So here is a typical day to be inspired by. Always start with a nutritious breakfast, such as oat porridge, to which you can add fresh fruit, nuts, raisins and even cinnamon. This spice, in fact, helps to flavor the dish, without adding sugar. Alternatively. and depending on the type of fruit with which you have chosen to enrich the porridge, it is possible to replace cinnamon with natural vanilla powder.

At lunchtime, to fried and caloric foods, prefer a large portion of mixed salad or vegetables, accompanied by meat, omelette, fish or ham, without forgetting carbohydrates such as rice, wholemeal pasta, white beans or potatoes.

At dinner, on the other hand, focus on vitamins, cooking seasonal vegetables in the oven.

A hard and fast rule for making any diet work is to never give up snacks, to eat mid-morning and mid-afternoon. The foods that are best suited to satiate us without making us gain weight are: low-fat yogurt, fresh fruit and, alternatively, a handful of dried fruit.

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Losing 30 pounds: a typical recipe

If you are uninspired and don't like to cook, fear not, there are many healthy and tasty recipes that will help you lose weight by continuing to eat regularly. Here is a typical recipe, easy and quick, to be made for both dinner and lunch: warm goat cheese salad

For a portion:
150 grams of fresh goat cheese
Vegetables and raw vegetables of your choice (for example: cucumber and tomato)
A teaspoon of honey
Salt and pepper

Clean the vegetables and raw vegetables and cut them into small pieces before seasoning them with salt and pepper.
In a pan with a little oil, fry the goat cheese for 5 minutes. When it turns golden both on the sides and underneath it means it is ready. Add a teaspoon of honey and sesame to the pan. Allow the honey to caramelize slightly, then place the goat cheese on top of the salad.

Enjoy your meal!

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Sport is life!

In addition to changing your diet, it is necessary to say goodbye to bad habits, primarily a sedentary lifestyle. Put simply, you need to start doing some healthy movement. And it doesn't matter if you don't want to join the gym out of modesty or to save money, you can start simply by taking a run or, alternatively, a brisk walk of a few kilometers in your city park. Moreover, thanks to some programs and tutorials on the web, it is possible to train for free and from the comfort of your home. In short, there are no more excuses for not engaging in healthy and proper physical activity, with constant training throughout the year. Only by accompanying sport to a balanced diet will it be possible to lose 30 kilos.

How to be able to lose weight permanently

In general, if you want to lose 30 kilos, the advice we can give you is to first accept that it will be a long and tiring journey, but above all, to be patient with yourself. Accept that there will be relapses, but struggle with all of yourself not to fall into old and unhealthy habits. Do not get discouraged and move on, thinking about your good and your health. The golden rule is only one: no deprivation. Eat everything in a balanced way and don't use food as a stress valve.

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Some useful tips for losing weight:

Do you want to lose weight while taking care of your health? Here are some tips:

  • Contact a doctor specialized in the sector who will be able to indicate the most suitable diet for you and will follow you throughout the weight loss process.
  • Food cravings will disappear by themselves if you eat your fill during meals and in a healthy and balanced way, with dishes based on complex carbohydrates and proteins.
  • If you have a penchant for chocolate, nothing stops you from enjoying it from time to time. The important thing is not to overdo it!
  • If you are not passionate about sport, focus on physical activity that is fun and stimulating for you!
  • Change your diet gradually and progressively. Don't twist everything at once.
  • Aim for a specific and concrete goal. By visualizing it, you will be able to stay motivated and not get overwhelmed by the old demons.
  • Don't let yourself be influenced by others. Do what you think is right for you!
  • Never forget the benefits weight loss will have on your health.

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