Dreaming of eggs - meaning and possible interpretations

Normally linked to the world of cooking and food, in dreams eggs can take on more than one meaning depending on the dream context in which they are found. In the popular interpretation, for centuries dreaming of an egg has been understood in a negative sense, because it is associated with a loss of income or a failure both in love and in society. Today, however, all this seems to have changed: seeing an egg in a dream would be a symbol of prosperity, fertility and optimism Just pay attention to the various details of the dream scene.

Symbology of the egg in dreams

Given the controversial history of the "interpretation of the egg" in dreams, a rich symbolism has been created around this "poor" food which is at the same time an embryonic stage of life. In the dream world, and eggs are symbols of very different concepts, ranging from the potential beginning of a new existence to inner insecurity and uncertainty.

  • Birth, fertility and life: in ancient myths, the egg was seen as the emblem of the origin of the universe. In fact, at the dawn of time there would have been a large "Cosmic Egg" inside which the white of the albumen - which indicates the Sky - would have melted while fertilizing the yolk, sign of the Earth. Thus, the cycle of life would begin. This interpretation has remained over time: in fact, even today in a dream an egg can mean the birth of an "idea in the dreamer's mind or the development of a new reality in its existence, also understood as" fertilization ".
  • Totality: given the shape, it is not surprising that for many eggs indicate completeness and fullness. Thus, seeing them in a dream means the will of the unconscious to reach full satisfaction in the dreamer's life. A kind of exhortation to carry out his most important projects to feel so "complete".

See also

Dreaming of dogs - meaning and possible interpretations

Dreaming of betraying: meaning and possible interpretations

Dreaming of a wedding dress: meaning and possible interpretations

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  • Joy and / or rebirth: especially thanks to the collective imagination that has arisen around Easter eggs, dreaming of this food can take on a particularly positive meaning because it is linked to the happiness of that holiday or to rebirth if intense in a more religious sense.
  • Fragility and uncertainties: we must not forget that this food is certainly very fragile in its consistency. For this reason, it can represent the dreamer's weakness or his need to feel protected in a particularly complicated period.

Fresh eggs

All dreams in which fresh eggs appear have a positive meaning. Their interpretation changes depending on what happens in the dream image. For example, if you dreamed of receiving an egg as a gift from your partner, it could indicate your desire - aware or not - of a pregnancy or to build something with him. Perhaps you feel a desire for safety and protection towards him to start a new phase of your life together.

Then, dreaming of many fresh eggs, depending on their origin whether they are from hens or other animals, represents the flourishing period that is opening up before you. You will have many positive opportunities just waiting to be grasped and you will be able to complete a project that you particularly care about.

Finally, eating, finding or buying fresh eggs is also a positive omen. They convey a message full of optimism and confidence in the future, as well as signifying luck and prosperity.

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Broken eggs

The interpretation of a dream in which broken eggs appear essentially refers to the meaning of fragility and uncertainties that we have seen in the general symbology of this food, which also coincides with an embryonic stage of existence. If you have dreamed of a broken egg it means that at this moment your state of mind is particularly vulnerable. Maybe because you are afraid of not succeeding in something you care a lot about or maybe you are troubled about the future.

Furthermore, this dream can also represent disappointments or failures already experienced, which forcefully return to be felt in the unconscious of the dreamer as a sort of trauma. Instead, if in the dream image you yourself were breaking an egg to cook it or eating it means that you know how to grasp the opportunities that are offered to you by life.

Dreaming of hatching an egg

If you have dreamed of yourself while you were intent on hatching an egg, do not worry: however strange this dream may be, it does not mean anything negative, indeed! All of this means that your unconscious has invited you to carefully look at something new that is happening to you. It is almost certainly an "excellent opportunity that is developing and that you cannot miss, most likely in the business and / or economic sphere. The same is true if in the dream image it was not you who was hatching the egg, but an animal. like a hen or another bird.

Instead, if the eggs had hatched it is a good omen. It means that your ideas have finally reached the stage of concreteness and therefore your projects, perhaps long 'hatched' and prepared, are taking place. Finally, it can be a symbol of the development of your personality, which is evolving and maturing.

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Rotten eggs

As with unintentionally broken eggs, rotten ones also have a generally negative meaning. First of all, they can represent ideas and projects that were close to your heart but which, for various reasons, have not found fulfillment. You had probably already worked hard to complete them - remember that the shape of the egg makes it also the symbol of wholeness - and your great disappointment for their non-satisfaction made itself felt in a dream.

Then, if for some rotten egg it could be an emblem of discomfort or even neglect towards themselves, we must not forget that for the ancients the black egg was identified as the revelation of Satan himself in a dream. Today we tend to interpret this. scene as the dreamer's analysis of his own darkest and most secret sides.

Easter eggs

Whether they are dark or white chocolate, colored or both, Easter eggs always convey happiness to anyone who looks at them. They take on this positive atmosphere even in their sleep, but assuming more than one meaning. In fact, according to various interpreters, the Easter egg would be a source of joy because it is immediately connected by the unconscious to the festive atmosphere traditionally linked to Easter. or the presence of chocolate would only underline this thesis.

However, there are also those who see Easter eggs as a symbol par excellence of rebirth. They would therefore refer to the deeper and more religious meaning of the spring festival, linked to the resurrection of Christ and which indicates a possible new beginning for the dreamer.

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Neapolitan grimace: all the numbers associated with dreams where eggs appear

As for all other dreams, even those in which the eggs appear can be useful not only to know their interpretation, but to know the numbers of the Neapolitan Smorfia connected to them. To make sure you choose the right numbers with which to try your luck, try to carefully relive what was present in your dream where you saw one or more eggs. Here are all the figures you may need!

Eggs 50
Fresh eggs 71
Broken eggs 8
Making an egg 7
See Hens Laying Eggs 88
Rotten eggs 82
Eating eggs 51
Easter eggs 34

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