Dreaming of being robbed - meaning and interpretations

Let's start with some good news. Being robbed is not a premonitory dream. On the contrary. To have a central role in this dream image is only the unconscious and some of our fears that we normally silence. However, as often happens in the dream world, seeing or being stolen in your sleep does not have a unique meaning. To know the right interpretation it is necessary to "relive" the scene and pay attention to the various details, so as to know what the exact message of our dream was.

In this article we will reveal the possible interpretations of a dream in which one is robbed, according to the most accredited versions. Although dreaming of such a scene happens quite often, it is not one of the most recurring dreams, as, instead, are those with cats as protagonists or in those in which the dreamer is pregnant!

Symbology of theft and thieves in a dream

Dreaming of being stolen by a thief essentially represents the dreamer's fear that something is stolen from him in everyday life. This means that when awake, perhaps only at a subconscious level, the dreamer feels that someone is appropriating something he cares about. It is not necessarily an object of value, on the contrary, most likely the dream refers to an "abstract entity, such as a love, an important relationship of friendship, a job or useful ideas to achieve its goals."

Thieves are notoriously individuals who "sneak into our personal spaces, depriving us of our security. At the level of dreams, they represent everything that breaks into the normality and regularity of the dreamer's life. For this reason, they can indicate both" external "people. , which we consider "rivals" in some area and which can take away that something to which we are linked, both directly from our disturbances of the soul that break through and are found in the tranquility of our thoughts, taking away our serenity.

See also

Dreaming of being pregnant - what does it mean?

Dreaming of the sea: meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of turtles - meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of being robbed at home

The house itself represents the most intimate place of any person. It is there that we keep our most cherished items, it is our personal space, where we decide who to let in and who not. In the world of dreams, it constitutes ourselves, or our deepest self. It is the symbol of our emotions, ideas and feelings that we jealously guard within the psyche.

Therefore, if you have dreamed of a thief who violates your home, it means that you are afraid that someone will be able to steal what you care about most, whether they are material or abstract things, such as a workplace, up to a person, such as, for example, the partner. Then, the home has always been associated with the family environment, so dreaming of being robbed in the home can also indicate the fear of losing or that something negative will happen to the people you love most. However, this dream exists. also a "positive interpretation. In fact, if the thief fails to enter the house, then it means that you are strong enough to detach yourself from your home, knowing that there will always be a safe place to return to.

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Dreaming of a theft - objects that can be stolen

When you dream of being stolen, you must also pay attention to the object that is stolen. This is what is most frequently taken away by a thief in the dream.

  • Gold or jewels: generally, precious items are a sign of economic and social well-being. Therefore, if you have dreamed that someone was taking them away from you, it means that you are facing a challenge that you care a lot about, but that, for the moment, you will not be able to complete it because other difficulties are about to add.
  • Money or wallet: how bad is envy? A lot. Dreaming of being robbed of your money often indicates that someone is envying us for our success in some area, especially in the workplace, and that they are working to hinder us.
  • Bag - remember the meaning of the house. The bag is a personal object, where everyone keeps the things they deem most necessary. This means that the dreamer fears that something he particularly cares about will be stolen from him in reality.
  • Mobile phone: now so much has entered our life that it also appears to us in dreams. The mobile phone can become a symbol of communication. Thus, it may remind your "dreamer self" that you are having a difficult time with a person you care about and with whom you are breaking up.
  • Shoes: the meaning of being robbed of a pair of shoes is similar to that of gold. This dream indicates a state of difficulty whereby you are unable to proceed as you would like. For a certain period, we will not complete our goals .

Dreaming of being a thief

The fact that stealing is a crime and, therefore, against the law, can become for the "unconscious an" tempting "act to free oneself from the rigid control of logic and rationality. In fact, dreaming of being a thief and stealing from others can indicate behaviors that the dreamer knows to be wrong, but of which his deepest self is fascinated, finding a way to get out of the ordinary.

Then, if you have ever dreamed of stealing something, it means that probably in life "with open eyes" you feel you have a lack and try to appropriate what does not belong to you in a dream. Sometimes this lack is completely unconscious, so you may not feel it once you wake up.

Finally, theft is a way to get money or benefits without having to "earn" them. It is a shortcut to reach a goal. For this reason, dreaming of stealing indicates either that the dreamer wishes to skip some steps that he knows are essential to reach a certain result or a low level of self-esteem, because he believes he can get something only by stealing and not getting there with his own strength. .

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Neapolitan grimace: all the numbers associated with dreams in which you are robbed

Dreams in which one is robbed and where a theft by one or more thieves occurs are also associated with a number, with which one can try Fortune. Therefore, after having discovered some interpretation of your dream image, discover the numbers of the Neapolitan Smorfia corresponding to it.

Being robbed: 70
Being robbed of your wallet or money: 28
Losing or being robbed of the scholarship: 60
Finding a bag: 13
Stop the thief: 19
See the thief: 60
Stealing: 59
Stealing gold: 11
Stealing a bag: 41

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