May zodiac sign: the characteristics of Taurus and Gemini

Those born in May can fall under the sign of Taurus or that of Gemini. Those born from 1 to 20 May belong to Taurus, while those born from 21 to 31 May fall under the zodiac sign of Gemini. They are two very different signs: Taurus is concrete and pragmatic, while Gemini is creative and enterprising; discover the characteristics of the other zodiac signs by watching the video below!

The characteristics of the sign of Taurus

The zodiac sign of Taurus is the fourth of the zodiac and follows that of Aries, linked to the month of March. In general, people who belong to the zodiac sign of Taurus are, according to astrology, calm, determined, constant and without too many crickets for the head. They love security and for this reason they seek a calm and comfortable life; on the other hand, they hate too sudden changes because they take a long time to metabolize their evolutions. They are charming, sensual individuals, endowed with a great willpower that helps them achieve their professional goals.

Taurus loves family life, the home and caring for the people they love. However, he is also very obstinate and stubborn, so sometimes it may not be easy to deal with him. Being very attached to the concrete aspects of life, he is at times greedy and excessively prudent; in general he has a lovable character but if he gets angry , his outbursts are memorable.

In love the Taurus is an attentive and caring lover, however he can also be possessive and jealous if he senses that someone is threatening his love affair. As a rule, Taurus are loyal people who love to engage in long relationships, the only drawback is sometimes life with them can be a little boring because they hate new things.

See also

Gemini: everything there is to know about this zodiac sign!

Gemini ascendant Gemini: the characteristics of this creative and inspiration sign

Leo ascendant gemini: the characteristics of this sign

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According to Western astrology, the zodiac signs are divided into four elements that characterize the signs of water, earth, fire and air. The signs of fire are associated with creative energy and include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, while the water signs, linked to fantasy, are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Among the air signs we find Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Taurus, on the other hand, falls within the signs of Earth, together with Virgo and Capricorn. The fact of being an Earth sign emphasizes the characteristics of this sign, which stands with its feet firmly planted on the ground and does not tolerate the fantastic digressions of Pisces and Libra (not surprisingly, signs of water and air).

Those who do not believe in the daily horoscope, the one, to be clear, by Paolo Fox or other famous astrologers, may find it difficult to recognize themselves in the zodiac signs, however the idea that the stars have a certain influence based on the date of our birth is undoubtedly fascinating. Nowadays, horoscopes are widespread and more and more people choose to have their birth chart analyzed, or the situation of the sky at the exact moment of their coming into the world. The astrologer records the position of the planets, of the Sun, the Moon and the stars in order to accurately determine the ascendant and the characteristics of the sign.

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The characteristics of the sign of Gemini

Those born in the month of May who fall under the sign of Gemini are lovable, nice people, with a sense of humor and good communication skills; they love to be around people and communicate, in fact they are generally very extroverted. of Taurus and other earth signs, they adore changes and find themselves in ever new situations: in their case, the routine that so much loves the other sign of May, is harmful. Gemini enthusiastically launches into new projects because the feeling of something is about to begin makes them feel alive.

The sign of Gemini is one of the most complex of the whole zodiac because it has a double soul which makes it difficult to interpret; on the one hand he is energetic, enterprising and vital (like, on the other hand, also Aries, Leo and Taurus), while on the other he escapes too demanding relationships and definitive situations because he feels an underlying restlessness that it shares the signs of water, such as Pisces. Among the negative characteristics of Gemini, hypocrisy stands out, which often makes it seem endowed with a double personality, selfishness and superficiality.

As for the love sphere, the sign of Gemini is not a very reliable partner. He loves the news too much to bond with a single companion and is constantly looking for adventure and play. If they fall in love, however, Gemini can also be romantic, enterprising, fun and curious partners.

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Who do Taurus and Gemini get along with? The affinities with the other signs of the zodiac

Each zodiac sign has, within the horoscope, particular affinities or, on the contrary, dislikes. If your sign is Taurus, chances are you will get along well with:

  • Aries
  • Capricorn
  • Cancer
  • Fish

For those born in May del Toro, however, it will be very difficult to establish a good relationship with:

  • Twins
  • Scorpio
  • Lion
  • Virgin

Gemini is too prone to novelty for the habitual Taurus, while Virgo is too much like him to last long; Leo and Scorpio are two hotheads on a par with those born in May: the sparks are guaranteed!

The sign of Gemini finds a lot of affinity with:

  • Lion
  • Virgin
  • Scorpio
  • Fish

In general, Gemini has a good understanding with almost all the representatives of the zodiac because it has a great ability to communicate, however with these signs it is not taken.

  • Bull
  • Cancer

For each sign, different characteristics emerge which are then reflected (or not) in the daily horoscope.Making accurate predictions without knowing the exact position of the planets at the time of birth is difficult: this is the reason why often the horoscope we read in the newspapers seems to have nothing to do with us, however, who was born in the month in May it will almost certainly find some correspondence in the signs of Taurus or Gemini.


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