Our letter to mothers: 15 things we daughters would like to thank you for!

For all the times you are and have been, for your patience, your time and your love. And for much more. Here are 15 reasons why we daughters would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Are you ready dear mothers? Actually no, first get yourself a handkerchief and then read below.

1. For phrases like this: "You are so beautiful, did you know that?"

That phrase, which we often accepted with a grimace or an expression of disapproval on the face in front of the mirror and clothes that did not convince us, but which gave us the right security and self-esteem we needed. Tell the truth: how good has it done us? And how much would we like to hear it say every day? Listening moms, you have been warned.

See also

Dear mom, this letter is for you

Phrases about children: the most beautiful to dedicate a special thought

What does the 15th week of pregnancy mean for mother and baby

2. For your unconditional love

For their love, pure, unconditional and eternal, which enveloped us from the first moment and which we sometimes take for granted.

3. For your delicious dishes

Let's face it: how many times have we gone to dinner with friends or even in well-known restaurants regretting mom's lasagna? Nothing to do: there is no one who cooks like our mother. Sometimes let's remember to compliment her, as well as ask for an extra portion of pasta carbonara or tiramisu.

4. For your advice in matters of the heart

For all the advice you have given us in love and to which we have not regularly heeded. Thanks to you mothers who have seen us make mistakes all the time and have had the patience to put up with us without repeating over and over: "I told you so." We remember it well, even if we often pretend to forget it.

© We Heart It / @lalualf

5. For yours: "You don't deserve"

Thank you for all the times you have come to gather us after the end of a love with wise and sweet phrases and words that have made us return the desire to fight and regain strength. That "He doesn't deserve you" was a godsend. Keep repeating it to the bitter end if you like. It never hurts.

6. For your right words at the right time

Thanks for saying, "Don't worry, everything will be fine!" just when we needed it most.

7. For your strength

For their strength, worthy of a true superhero, which, combined with a sometimes annoying wisdom, has always made us find the right path every time we got lost.

8. For your "I'm proud of you"

Is there a time when you didn't utter these magical words during an important milestone of yours? Think about it: no. Here, mom, thank you for that too.

9. Because you have never judged us

Maybe they showered us with advice and warnings - yes, sometimes a little annoying and pedantic, let's face it - but they never judged us. Any mistake or disaster we made was immediately forgotten, no matter how serious it was. Yes, of course, afterwards. some minor reproaches ...

© We Heart It / @TanjaAmore

10. For putting up with us between the ages of 13 and 16

I mean, you put up with us during those terrible years ... how can we not love you? Thanks thanks thanks.

11. Because you are our guide, always and in any case

Even if you sometimes collide, you know that you are and will always be our guide, our point of reference. It's not easy to admit, so record this information well.

12. For making us wrong

Thank you for making us make mistakes on our own, without imposing on us already beaten paths, making us find ours, also thanks to those mistakes and those wounds. Thank you for being there to gather us in time of need.

13. To always be ready to forgive

Because they have always forgiven us: there is no greater error or mistake than the forgiveness and love of a mother.

14. Because you are always a guide and a "faithful ally."

Yes, it is true, at times they have been more like a rigid and severe teacher, but you too know well that in the real moment of need they know how to unleash a compassionate spirit worthy of the greatest allies.

© We Heart It / @ nusha_4

15. For always putting our needs ahead of yours

Is there a single time in which your mother has not taken a step backwards for you and for your happiness, putting your needs and desires before hers? Here, for this and for thousands of other reasons: thank you mom!

Tags:  In Shape Old-Test - Psyche Actuality