23 things that make people totally crazy

1. Get up early in the morning

We don't want to do that.

See also

Going to live alone: ​​all the things you need to know

How many things change between 20 and 30 years

2. Stand in line

That's why amusement parks are just a trap for us. Three and a half hours for a fake canoe ride? No thanks.

3. When the computer is charging

WHAT is it loading?

4. Be behind someone who walks like a snail

And get moving! They should invent fast lanes for pedestrians too!

5. Go to a public restroom and notice that the toilet paper has run out and has not been replaced

These things don't have to happen.

6. Garbage on the street

We should protect the environment. But it is clear that some people do not care at all.

7. Being interrupted in the middle of a story

Thank you that I do not strangle anyone.

8. Being booed in the street

I don't need these animalistic signs of appreciation for my curves.

9. People who sneeze on public transport and then lean back on the tram supports

You infected us all, damn it!

10. Salesmen who refuse to help

What is the point of a salesman who refuses to be a salesman? Change job!

11. People who continue to play with the ballpoint pen

Your nervous tics don't have to become my problem too.

12. When a book ends on a cliffhanger

What have I invested and spent my time on?

13. When you are trying to sleep but you hear a noise from you don't know where

They will pay for it.

14. Aggressive mail

Easy to be keyboard lions ...

15. Receive a message of the type t vogl tnt bn

Killing is legitimate.

16. Someone who leads you with no authority

But even no.

17. Chains of Sant "Antonio


18. People who push

You're risking a lot ...

19. Your flight is delayed

I arrived 2 hours early. I said everything.

20. Do someone a favor. And that doesn't thank you

If I could I would take back my kindness.

21. When a car does not stop on a pedestrian crossing

Could you kindly let me through without making an attempt on my life?

22. People who stop at subway underpasses or in the middle of the pavement

Congratulations, you have chosen the best meeting place.

23. The Kardashian family

Stop them.