Draw up a good Curriculum Vitae

The title
What the hirer sees first is the title of your resume. It matches what you do and should reflect your skills. Choose it well, because the whole curriculum will be based on that. For example "administrative secretary", "foreign commercial employee" ...

The organization
Organize information consistently. Divide them into sections: «Professional experience», «Training», «Extra-professional interests», «Computer skills» etc. The hierarchical organization of your resume must be functional to your profile: first, the most interesting sections. Within each column, he lists the experiences in anti-chronological order: from the most recent to the oldest. The basis of the resume must be variable and adaptable to the type of job you are applying for. Do not send the same resume to all employers, highlight the experiences that enhance your profile and delete the ones that are not only relevant to the job you are looking for. Hierarchy the headings according to their relevance to the proposed job.

The information
Develop only one piece of information at a time. Add details to experiences that deserve special attention by listing the tasks assigned to you for each. Name the companies you have worked for, indicating where they are geographically, so that the employer can verify. On the contrary, instead of specifying the exact dates, which could highlight the moments of inactivity of your path, remain vague and indicate the approximate duration of each job. For example: «Laboratory technician, 5 years», or «Editorial secretary, 2000-2005». This allows those who have to select you to get an idea of ​​your experience without emphasizing the moments of inactivity.

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Use a quick, almost telegraphic style, thanks to dashes. Choose to use phrases and expressions that most people understand. Avoid using full sentences and unnecessarily lengthening yourself. Whoever hires does not have time to read a two-page resume, be concise and have it fit on one page.

The layout
Choose a harmonious and pleasant reading layout, organizing information thanks to bulleted lists and paragraphs. Style-wise, go for an understated look, unless you're working as a graphic designer or in the media. Give yourself some graphic rules (italics, bold, fonts, etc.) and stick to them.

The photography
Attach a photo to your resume, which will allow the employer to identify you and associate a face with the resume. He'll remember you better than he can visualize you. Avoid imaginative poses and standing photos, choose a front portrait, simple and sober, on which you can easily recognize yourself.

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