Swollen feet in pregnancy: causes and remedies

Swelling of the feet and hands is certainly a very common ailment in pregnancy. In fact, pregnant women frequently find themselves with swelling of the peripheral limbs, especially in recent months. You notice it immediately: the skin appears shiny, swollen and stretched. Having swollen feet and hands during pregnancy is therefore absolutely normal and should not cause concern for one's health, in fact for pregnant women we speak of physiological edema.

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The causes of the swelling

The belly increases in size and with its greater weight ends up weighing on the legs at the same time the body increases the production of progesterone. This hormone has a vasodilating effect and slows down blood circulation. Hormonal changes are the main cause of water retention. Fluid stagnation is always accompanied by edema (swelling).
The discomfort evolves spontaneously: after giving birth, the feet deflate, as do all other parts of the body subject to stagnation of liquids during the wait.

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Can i prevent swollen feet in pregnancy?

Fluid stagnation in the last quarter is a phenomenon that often happens, however you can do something to prevent it as much as possible. Keep your weight under control, eat in a healthy and balanced way, avoid very salty, fatty foods and anything that you digest with difficulty. Avoid packaged or ready-made products (you can't know how much salt they contain). During pregnancy it is good not to exceed even with starchy and leavened products that increase the sense of swelling. Instead, fill up on fruits and vegetables that contain valuable fiber and promote diuresis. You need a lot of vitamins (which aren't just in fruits and vegetables). Eat some almonds and season your dishes with olive oil, rich in vitamins! Choose foods that are good for your circulation, such as delicious berries rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, as well as garlic and onion. Finally, a last and precious suggestion that too often we tend to forget: drink lots of water!

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Are you pregnant and have swollen feet?

Put these little good habits into practice and remember to follow the advice even in the weeks after giving birth to get back in shape faster. Avoid spending too much time on your feet and always alternate between standing and sitting moments. Rest your feet and legs several times a day, keeping them high and if you can sleep in this position too, with your legs raised.
Do not cross your legs when you sit down and use only comfortable (really comfortable) shoes. In general, this rule applies to all the clothes you wear: choose them wide so that they do not tighten the body.
Exercise, just one walk a day and some foot and leg exercises.
Go to cool and airy environments, do not expose yourself to direct sun and do not go out during the hot hours.
Wear compression stockings, they are elastic stockings that promote blood and lymph circulation ... like a continuous light lymphatic drainage for your legs!

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See also: Feet for (s) dance: products for the care and beauty of the feet

Feet from (s) dance

Natural remedies for swollen feet

Get (or get) a nice massage. A gentle foot and ankle massage with an oil or cream containing horse chestnut or elderberry will give you relief and freshness!
Exercise. A little stretching or small rotations of the ankles will help you feel better.
Discover the benefits of water. You can do some water gymnastics or a barefoot walk by the sea (in summer!)
Reactivate the circulation. Direct the jet of cold water from the hand shower from your feet to your ankles, slowly rising. You can do this mini treatment at home even every day.
Take a foot bath. The foot bath has always been one of the most effective remedies to deflate the feet. Leave your feet to soak in the cool water in which you have dissolved a handful of coarse salt. In herbal medicine you can also find anti-swelling foot bath salts!

There are also natural techniques such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and aromatherapy that give good results against the stagnation of fluids during pregnancy. But as with everything, while you are waiting, it is always best to listen to your opinion before choosing one of these treatments!

Do you also have swollen hands?

Again, a massage will give you relief. Choose an arnica cream, which has an effective anti-inflammatory action. And remember to loosen your joints every day by turning your hands to the right and left to reactivate blood circulation.
However, if the swelling is sudden and persistent, contact your doctor immediately to check that there is no gestosis or thrombosis.

When to worry

If the swelling is excessive and reaches the hands and even the face, it is best to contact a specialist because it may indicate that a gestosis (or preeclampsia) is underway, a particularly serious and worrying complication that causes bruises throughout the body.

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Troubling symptoms and warning signs

Go to the hospital right away if you have blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher, if one leg is swollen than the other (and especially if the area is hot, red, or if you have a fever) if you have very swollen hands or if they swelled suddenly. Other symptoms that cause concern and require immediate medical attention are confusion, difficulty breathing, agitation, convulsions, abdominal pain or sudden headache. In the hospital it will be possible to carry out all the necessary tests in a short time and evaluate the risk factors to exclude complications and risks for the mother and the child.

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