Test: which detox dish are you based on your personality?

If and when you feel you have exaggerated, if and when you feel that it is time to purge yourself of exaggerations, when you feel that your body is exaggerating ... you can opt for a few days of detox, which purifies and strengthens the metabolism. Purely as a matter of personal health, purifying the cells can do you some good. In fact, many foods used for detox are useful for strengthening the immune system, as you can see from the video, see:

Test: which detox dish are you based on your personality?

Remembering that it is always to avoid excesses and balance diets, being careful to protect oneself because physical health is essential for psychological health and vice versa, it is not strange that one way of being is better matched with one ingredient rather than another. Which detox dish are you based on your way of being? Take our test and you will find out immediately:

See also

Test: which Avengers are you based on your personality?

Test: what Christmas song are you based on your personality?

Test: which Game of Thrones character are you based on your personality?

A new autumn is coming: how are you going to deal with it? Take our test and find out now!

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