The best bagless vacuum cleaners according to some clean freaks

The holidays are over and the sad time has come to get back to the routine ... which for many of us includes cleaning!

The most complex part of this activity for sure is the dust removal. It is not known where it comes from and how it multiplies so much, but what is certain is that every time it comes back and adheres to the entire surface of the house. Most of the time the Swiffer is not enough, so a good vacuum cleaner is essential to ensure that the cleaning is effective and lasting over time - and also fast, because no one deserves to waste Sunday afternoon scrubbing the floor!

We asked our friends who are more hygienic, but at the same time busier, what are the advantages and disadvantages of their vacuum cleaners and which ones they would like to try. Based on this invaluable information, he then chose the best vacuum cleaner options available on Amazon.

The robot vacuum cleaner - Fabiana Baladei

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“I own a bagless vacuum cleaner and I am satisfied. It is very powerful, it also sucks up small stones and pieces of glass and in general it is a great product ... but a vacuum cleaner is sometimes very difficult to manage. In the most excited moments I find myself twisted in the threads. "
I would like to try: "a battery-powered robot vacuum cleaner that alone does the cleaning round every day. When I get home, just pass the detergent and go".

On offer on Amazon at € 139.99

The electric broom - Virginia Nardin


"I have an iRobot robot vacuum cleaner. It is perfect for me who have a 9 month old girl and two dogs! He cleans the whole floor, usually full of hair, and since it has automatic recharge I don't even have to worry about remembering to put it on. However, it is a bit "poor in cleaning the corners of the house and it would not be bad if it had a higher suction power."
I would like to try: "the electric broom, because it is light, easy to manage and I can also use it to vacuum the sofa and cushions".

Buy for € 80.89

The classic vacuum cleaner - Francesca Salvi


"I'm very strict with cleaning, so I have a very powerful vacuum cleaner. Maybe it's more challenging, but its power ensures that the floor stays clean for longer and so I don't need to brush it up every week."
I would like to try: "I feel good with my vacuum cleaner, I don't want to change".

Buy at 85 € (35% discount) <

Tags:  Old-Home Marriage Actuality