#Lazonarosa: Michelle Hunziker and the message for the isolated elderly

We are used to seeing her with her unmistakable 32-tooth smile, but even Michelle Hunziker indulges in a few moments of melancholy. On the other hand, in an anomalous and dramatic situation like this, it is quite common to experience mood swings, going from euphoria to sadness within a few days, or even a few hours.

Between one ironic video and another, the show-girl and TV presenter turns a thought to her mother Ineke who, like many at the moment, is going through quarantine alone.

"I have not seen my mother for at least 20 days ... She is rightly closed at home like everyone else and is at risk because of her age ... we have avoided any possibility of contagion for her".

Thus writes Hunziker under the photo posted on Instagram, where the mother is portrayed with one of her granddaughters. The message transmitted is not meant to be strictly personal, but aims to convey a universal reflection on the condition of many elderly people who, like Ineke, find themselves in isolation. Constituting the most fragile demographic component and exposed to the virus, together with individuals with previous pathologies, it is necessary that the elderly remain at home and avoid close contacts. This, however, does not imply that they are abandoned, especially in the age of technology, which allows us to feel close even at a distance.

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"We try to call every day our friends and relatives who have a lot of time to think and brood, let's put it on the agenda. At least two or three a day, let's not make them fall into despair. Let's all try to make them laugh and distract them as much as possible. possible… it is essential. They have no one to hug or kiss in the house… ".

This is the advice that Michelle feels she can share through her social channels, designed to distract, entertain, but also to encourage awareness campaigns. It is in the shared difficulties that the value of empathy must be rediscovered, the immense gift of dressing in the shoes of others and taking note of their feelings. Michelle, who, incidentally, lives in Bergamo, one of the Italian cities most affected by the epidemic, never denies herself and reconfirms herself as the eternal girl next door that we Italians love for her being genuine and spontaneous.

Tags:  Actuality Old-Test - Psyche Old-Couple