Menopause: useful tips to better deal with it

Around the age of 50, with menopause, women undergo profound physical changes that can impact their shape, silhouette, mood and skin. However, there is no fatality in this sense and it seems possible to intervene to combat some of the drawbacks inherent in this hormonal change. Here are the useful tips to deal with menopause, always remembering that it is a normal phase in every woman's life!

Pre-menopause, peri-menopause, menopause, how do you know?

A woman is born with an ovarian capital of around 1 million oocytes. These oocytes are blocked in the girl until puberty. At that moment, when menstrual cycles begin, during the time of more or less four years, fertility stabilizes.

How does the cycle take place? It is divided into two parts: the first part which corresponds to the secretion of estrogen; the second with the additional secretion of progesterone.
Professionals in the sector estimate that from the age of 30 onwards, ovulation decreases in number and quality. This is also the time when the progesterone / estrogen ration starts to get out of balance.

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What happens in menopause

  • Between 5 and 10 years before the last cycle, we enter the so-called pre-menopause period.
  • Between a year before and a year after the last cycle, we are in peri-menopause.
  • When you realize that a year has passed since your last period, you can consider yourself to be in menopause.
  • Specialists add a period known as post-menopause, which begins in peri-menopause and ends around age 65.

Of course, this is purely indicative, since each woman can present a particular case; the age and duration of this information in particular varies frequently.

Menopause causes a "hormonal anarchy, with various symptoms: absence of menstruation, sweating, sleep disturbances, dry mucous membranes, relaxation of the skin, irritability ...

HRT can alleviate these effects, but it is the subject of considerable controversy, especially regarding the risk of cancer for women with a history of the disease.

Many therapists, doctors and gynecologists can help find the appropriate solutions to deal with these problems. In addition, it is also possible to act through diet, physical activity, herbal supplements, acupuncture or hypnosis as far as natural solutions are concerned.

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Limit the sagging of the skin

The problem: With menopause, estrogen production drops dramatically. Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining skin elasticity. As we age, the skin regenerates less quickly. The epidermis also becomes dry. Result: wrinkles deepen, the skin loosens, loses tone and becomes dull.

The solution: opt for a treatment specifically designed to address the difficulties encountered in this delicate period. Products designed for "mature skin" are specifically designed for skin that dries quickly and relaxes.
In addition, a supplement of evening primrose and borage oil can be useful and have a beneficial effect on your tissues. You can buy Naturando Borage Oil - 70 Capsules on Amazon for just over € 16. Don't neglect antioxidants either, to keep your skin in the best shape possible.

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Stop fatigue

The problem: when menopause occurs, intense fatigue can arise. Initially, the approaching interruption of cycles can lead to particularly heavy periods or very irregular cycles. This disorder can result in iron deficiency.
Another important symptom is the famous hot flashes that can disturb the stillness of the nights.
Finally, the quality of sleep as such also suffers from menopause. A lighter, more discontinuous, less regenerating and disturbed sleep gives way to a feeling of greater tiredness during the day.

The solution: favor foods that increase energy without having a high glycemic index. Rice and wholemeal bread, quinoa, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruit, rich in vitamins: these are your new allies. Above all, regularly practice a sport and / or a "physical activity (walking, active gardening) to mobilize a physical effort that also acts on the nervous system.

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Goodbye to insomnia

The problem: If, after the age of 50, it is usually no longer the hustle and bustle that disturbs your nights, menopause can play a big trick on you. The cause: night sweats and also less resistance to stress. The lack of female hormones, especially progesterone, which has a regulatory power, is felt when you wake up at night. Sleep is lighter, nights can be restless, and moods can be gloomy.

The solution: First of all, if you are the victim of the famous morning alarms (4:00, 5:00 am), don't hesitate to go to bed much earlier to get a fuller night's sleep.
If bad thoughts come to mind, don't stay in bed thinking and above all don't turn on your cell phone!
Start the day earlier, or at least go sit on the sofa to read, for example, but the bed should be reserved for sleeping.
Also, try to sleep in a cool place as much as possible, at an average temperature of 18 degrees. Take a cool shower before bed and eat a light dinner. Too high an internal temperature prevents sleep.

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No to brown spots

The problem: With the lack of estrogen, a new challenge arises for the skin. It becomes more fragile and particularly sensitive to the sun. This is when brown spots can appear if you don't protect yourself sufficiently from UV rays.

The solution: already opt for a cream index of 50 when you expose yourself in the summer and protect your face with a hat or cap if you walk or run outdoors. We keep repeating this, but a high index does not prevent you from getting a tan. The tan. it will be more progressive and, therefore, will last for the following months.

Yes to lean mass, no to fat!

The problem: It's official, sir, from the age of 30 onwards, we lose about 0.4 kg / year of muscle mass for that damn fat mass. The bad news is that with menopause it gets even more complicated! also the unfortunate tendency to settle in the abdominal area, on the hips and inside the arms and thighs, even in women who tend to be thinner.

The solution: The ideal is to combine a sport such as dynamic walking or running, which will work your cardiovascular system and increase your energy expenditure with a sport that will strengthen your deep muscles.
In addition to endurance sports, yoga and pilates are also a good way to build muscle and work on stress. In addition, the abdominal muscles are mobilized in an intelligent way, paying attention to "another female concern: perineal relaxation.

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Rebalance the skin

The problem: people tend to believe that with menopause the skin just dries up. Instead, menopausal women may also be surprised to see an old problem recur after a long time: acne.

The solution: pay attention to the "cleansing" phase of your skin. Ideally, use a soap-free cleanser with some water. There are also very effective cleansing gels or even oils that restore the natural balance of the skin. Do not hesitate to turn to Ayurvedic treatments, and offer or ask for suitable facial treatments, or rather, a cure.

Beware of osteoporosis

The Problem: In menopause, osteoporosis is a well-known problem in women. Hormones play an important role in maintaining bone structure, so a decrease in their production can lead to a decrease in harmful bone density.

The solution: For a long time, doctors have advocated an increase in calcium intake. A theory that is increasingly disproved. In fact, vitamin D is also needed to strengthen calcium.
Dr. Tanguy, from the Pornic Thalassotherapy Center, recommends using a combination of vitamin D3K2, which helps fix collagen. It also indicates that marine calcium has significant benefits.
Otherwise, if possible, expose yourself to the sun for 15-20 minutes a day (arms and legs included), even in winter.

Manage the energy intake

The Problem: In menopause, another problem can arise, namely the slowing of the metabolism. The result: you burn fat much less quickly. After the age of 30, our metabolism would decrease by 1 to 2% every 10 years.

The solution: pay attention to the caloric intake, but above all to physical exercise! Even if you eat less, it will be difficult to balance your energy balance. You should also choose smart foods, such as bananas or almonds, which have a satiating effect.

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Hair care

The problem: if a woman secretes fewer female hormones during menopause, it is possible that, on the contrary, male hormones, such as androgens, are secreted in greater quantities. This can lead to increased hair growth or hair loss.
Furthermore, dryness also affects the hair, making it appear less shiny, drier and even brittle.

The solution: If you have problems related to excessive hair growth, you can have a dermatologist prescribe products that slow down hair growth.
As for your hair, start with an iron cure and dietary supplements dedicated to this ailment. In this regard, we recommend Swisse Hair Skin Nails Supplement with Biotin, Zinc, Vitamin C, Iron, Silicon and Milk Thistle extract. It is a food supplement that acts from the inside to help maintain the health of hair, skin and nails and is available on Amazon for only € 20.

If hair loss is severe, an antiandrogen or local treatment may be prescribed. Ask your doctor for advice.

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For hot flashes

The Problem: Hot flashes are a recurring ailment during menopause. Again, the drop in estrogen leads to an "alteration of internal temperature control."

The solution: first of all, choose loose clothing and especially natural materials during the night. Avoid alcohol, spicy food and caffeine. Also pay attention to your diet. Instead of heavy meals, prefer several light meals throughout the day. Finally, bring as many foods as possible containing phytoestrogens: broccoli, oats, sage, rice, soy or fennel.
Another simple tip before going to bed: put your hair up!

© Alliance Pornic

For more information on menopause, visit the Humanitas website.

Tags:  Parenthood Old-Couple Old-Luxury