Body language: turning the thumbs and its meaning in psychology

The body language has the power to communicate much more than what we could express in words. A seemingly insignificant gesture like twisting the thumbs has more than one meaning to explore.

It is precisely seemingly insignificant actions such as placing your elbows on the table or crossing your arms, or putting your hand in front of your mouth, putting your hair behind your ears or rolling it that can help us understand what the person in front of us is really feeling or thinking. In short, an excellent psychological interpretation tool to learn to make the most of!

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of twisting your thumbs is? Let's discover together the different meanings it can assume in psychology, based on the circumstances, and let's learn to use body language to our advantage!

Twisting the thumbs: what is the meaning according to psychology?

If the person in front of you begins to twist their thumbs while speaking, beware! This seemingly irrelevant gesture is actually a symptom of falsehood. Your interlocutor could be an impostor or in any case a dishonest person.

Psychology therefore helps us, through a correct reading of body language, to be wary of those who twist their thumbs. He is probably telling you something untrue, or at least a distorted truth that is always best taken with a grain of salt ...

See also

Self-awareness: the meaning according to psychology and how to increase it

Body language: what is the meaning of folded arms?

Fetal position: what is the meaning in psychology of sleeping in this position

When twisting your thumbs has the psychological meaning of little conviction ...

Do your interlocutor's thumbs get apart regularly as if to point out something? This attitude betrays a lack of conviction on the part of the person speaking, beyond what his words say!

Your interlocutor may not be convinced of what he is saying or at least not have a real knowledge of the topic he is dealing with. It could be a real bluff!

Twisting the thumbs: the meaning in love according to psychology

If a man twists his thumbs while talking to you, be very careful ... his intentions may not be the best! There is a good chance that he is telling some dance to hit you and that he has no serious intentions with you.

Learn to carefully evaluate what he is telling you because the likelihood of him lying is very high. It does not mean that he is not interested in you, but there is still something that is not working and that you will have to commit to understand before being in love lost and therefore not very rational in the evaluation ... If he passes the test, nothing prevents you from continuing your evening in the best way:

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