Dreaming of blood - what is the meaning?

Dreaming of blood is quite common: whether it is blood coming out of the nose, mouth, or other people's blood, the meaning of this dream is always linked to the symbolism of energy, of the vital flow that the blood itself represents.

Of course, dreaming of blood is rarely pleasant: most of the time it is dreams that generate a sense of anguish or anxiety. The meaning, however, is not always as negative as one might think. To understand what it means to dream of blood, it is necessary to take into account various factors that affect both our state of mind and the circumstances and the context of the dream. Let's go into the discovery of the unconscious, ready to reveal the messages it is sending us!

Dreaming of blood - what is the meaning?

It used to be believed that dreaming of blood had an ominous meaning, that it was the premonition of a misfortune. These are, of course, just popular beliefs! Blood, however, is a symbol of life and if you dream of losing blood it is normal to be alarmed: it is as if a vital part of us is abandoning us, and hence the meanings linked to suffering.

Blood, however, is also synonymous with passion, love, sexual desire, as well as family bond. Dreaming of blood can therefore be an expression of suffering (physical and / or mental), but also of libido, love and alliance. It all depends on the context in which you dreamed of blood.

If you have ever dreamed of losing a lot of blood, as in a "hemorrhage, the meaning will be the following: you are going through a moment of your life in which you feel without energy, weak, with little confidence in yourself, or you are doing a sacrifice that weighs heavily on you.

This kind of dream is frequent in pregnant women, who often dream of having losses: in this case it is an expression of anxiety and stress for the great event they are about to experience. If you are among them, relax and enjoy the gorgeous transformation of your body that our video shows:

See also

Dreaming of being pregnant - what does it mean?

Dreaming of money - what does it mean?

Dreaming of the sea: meaning and interpretations

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Dreaming of blood from the nose, mouth or other parts of the body - this is the meaning!

In order to interpret the dream correctly, it is also necessary to take into consideration the organ or part of the body from which you dreamed of losing blood. The dream may reflect actual physical suffering (dreams of bleeding from the head because you are actually suffering from migraines) , or have a symbolic value.Let's look at the most common dreams together, but first a premise: if the blood flows from a cut wound, in whatever part of the body it is, it means that there was someone who hurt you and made you suffer.

Dreaming of a nosebleed is a symbol of an emotional wound caused by a wrong that was done to you by someone and that still hurts you internally. Dreaming of blood from the mouth, on the other hand, has to do with the loss of power, or with the feeling of being wasting one's energy on something (or with someone) that does not deserve it.

Dreaming of blood from the head expresses a profound tiredness and loss of energy, while from the teeth it implies a loss of vitality and a feeling of not knowing how to keep a certain situation under control. Dreaming of blood from the butt is a symptom of the fear of letting go, while from the eyes it means inability to accept a certain situation, as if you no longer want to "see" it.

Dreaming of blood from the vagina while making love indicates problems related to the sphere of sexuality. If, on the other hand, blood appears in the urine, it expresses difficulty in expressing emotions. In the stool, finally, it means liberation, but at the same time loss of vital energies .

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What does it mean to dream of other people's blood?

Dreaming of someone else's blood has a pretty clear meaning. If you dream of a certain person bleeding it means that we fear that that person is not strong enough to overcome a certain situation, we are afraid of his fragility, we consider him in need of help.

The person you dreamed of bleeding certainly has problems that you have probably perceived, even if only on a subconscious level. Remember, however, that it also represents a part of you, so it reflects a fear that you are also experiencing firsthand.

See also: Dictionary of dreams: discover the meaning of your dreams!

© iStock Dream dictionary: find out the meaning of your dreams!

Metrual blood

Finally, dreaming of menstrual blood is a very common experience for many women: it happens especially in the days before the period, as if it were a warning from our psyche. Of course, the meaning also depends on what we are experiencing. If you are afraid of being pregnant, dreaming of menstrual blood expresses that same concern, as if it were a wish that your period could actually come.

On the contrary, if you are looking for a pregnancy, dreaming of menstrual blood expresses your fear that this will happen. For a woman in menopause, however, it can be an expression of the psyche that still does not accept the end of menstruation.

On a more symbolic level, however, dreaming of menstrual blood can have to do with a profound disappointment: something we hoped to achieve has not come true, hope has failed to come true.
Menstrual blood for a woman is symbolically very strong: it represents her own feminine energy, her own generation capacity, metaphorical and otherwise. To really understand the meaning of this dream you will have to meditate on your life and your desires and goals: it is the unconscious that asks you for it!

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