Masturbating in pregnancy: is it good for you? In which quarter and how to do it

Wondering if sex in pregnancy, as well as masturbation or any other erotic act can hurt, is more than legitimate: when we face the period of motherhood, all fears, as well as questions, come to the surface and we are like receptors ready to intercept any risk factor. It is also true, however, that these topics are still full of taboos and false myths, and that many women still experience female masturbation as a "secret" to be ashamed of and not talk about. Actually, masturbating during pregnancy doesn't hurt, just like sex during that period doesn't hurt, on the contrary: it can have enormous benefits. Auto-eroticism, in general, is only good for:

Masturbating during pregnancy is good for you

Masturbating during pregnancy is therefore good, despite what one might fear. A woman's libido during pregnancy varies, as do physical conditions from person to person. There are those who will always be fine, even in the first months; there are those who, on the other hand, will experience tiredness and nausea in the first quarter; c "there are those who will alternate moments of intense desire with moments of total ataraxia. Physical conditions, but also psychological ones, aimed at metabolizing such an important change, can affect sexuality. But in general, sex, like masturbation, does good even in pregnancy, a period in which we are more sensitive even from a physical / erotic point of view. They are even recommended, because they allow the release of endorphins, the hormones of happiness, which make us feel more relaxed and at peace with ourselves. And if you are wondering if masturbating during pregnancy is bad for the baby, the answer is no: the baby is protected by the amniotic fluid and will not realize anything! It can only hurt yourself or the couple, because you are deprived of something pleasant and intimate!

See also

Is masturbating good or bad? Time to clarify and let yourself go

6 techniques to experience maximum pleasure through masturbation

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When to avoid masturbation (and sexual intercourse)

There are more complex risk pregnancies than others in which, in order to avoid problems, one can imagine reducing to almost zero or completely avoiding both sexual intercourse and masturbation. The cases are as follows:

  • threat of miscarriage or previous miscarriage
  • presence of infections
  • previous premature births
  • placenta previa
  • excessive dilation or shortening of the cervix

Of course, you must always consult a doctor and evaluate each specific situation before making drastic or hasty decisions, or experiencing motherhood more like a nightmare than a beautiful journey, to be shared always and in any case with your partner, in all its aspects.

Masturbating in pregnancy depending on the trimester or month

Just as the body changes in pregnancy, so does the approach we have to it and its erotic aspect. And in fact, it is also the desire, both ours and that of the partner, that changes, both for the effect of hormones and for the effect. thoughts and how the news of motherhood was absorbed. Many couples, in fact, modulate their intimacy also on the basis of how much they have metabolized the idea of ​​becoming parents, being more worried at the beginning and more aware towards the end of the 9 months. But how to approach masturbation according to the trimester of pregnancy?

  • first trimester and first months: this trimester is more complicated for masturbation as well. In general, the woman accuses all the most boring symptoms of pregnancy: nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, and all this affects "negatively" the libido, although sexual intercourse and masturbation can actually represent a remedy for " side effects". If you feel like masturbating during this period, then, no problem!
  • second trimester: the woman begins to relax overcoming many fears, to realize her path and physically she feels better. The belly is still not too intrusive, and the desire is overwhelming. If you want to indulge in a moment of sexual intimacy, as a couple but above all alone, give free rein to your imagination, naturally with all the necessary precautions. Pay particular attention to the penetration, which must be gentle, delicate and possibly non-vibrating!
  • third trimester and last month: the fetus is there, always protected by the amniotic fluid, but the belly becomes rather bulky, making sexual relations more complex in some cases. Reason why masturbation proves to be an excellent ally. You can ask your man to help you in this beautiful path of self-eroticism, but also to proceed alone, preferably with the stimulation of the clitoris, avoiding the vaginal one (no to too aggressive penetrations or vibrators). From the seventh month, the uterus is lowered, and great pressures that could cause blood loss are to be avoided. During the last month, any sexual intercourse could be accompanied by contractions, which should not be confused with those preparatory to childbirth. Consider, however, that some gynecologists recommend dedicating yourself to your sexuality even in the ninth month, to start moving the waters!

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How to masturbate in pregnancy

During pregnancy we masturbate as in other moments of life. The point is: how best to masturbate even in this period? Taking into account what has been said about physical changes, to masturbate during pregnancy you only need to be slightly more careful. You can proceed in a classic way, stimulating the clitoris with your fingers (or asking your partner for a cunnilingus!), Proceeding slowly and varying the pace according to the increase in desire. If you want to proceed with the penetration, be gentle and avoid pressure. If you want to take advantage of the valid support of sex toys, alone or as a couple, opt for the classic dildo or a clitoral stimulator. You can buy them online, on sites like Pleaure4You, and receive them at home absolutely anonymously. Turn your imagination on. taking a look here


See also: Erotic objects: all sex toys for your hot moments!

© Pleasure4You Nova - G-spot vibrator

How to use sex toys in pregnancy and what to avoid

Using sex toys to masturbate during pregnancy does not cause any problems, as long as certain rules are respected, namely:

  • avoid vibrators for vaginal penetration or rotating vibrators. Above all, the rotating vibrators are not recommended because they could cause a pressure on the cervix that is a little too invasive, which could cause blood loss;
  • pay close attention to hygiene. Generally speaking, when it comes to sex toys or masturbation in general, hygiene is very important. Even more so when you are pregnant and cleaning these objects of pleasure is a must to avoid any type of infection.
  • prefer dildos or clitoral stimulators. The classic dildo, whose penetration rate is managed entirely by you, is allowed, mostly in the first and second trimester. Green light to the clitoral vibrator, on the other hand, ready to satisfy your every need, as long as you know this organ of pleasure well. That's it? Find out with a test:

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