White spots on nails: what they are, main causes and how to treat them

The appearance of white spots on the nails can happen to anyone and is a symptom of several things: vitamin deficiencies, possible infections and incorrect use of nail polish. These are among the most common and absolutely solvable, but there are others that we will show you today.Always try to respect a balanced diet and apply nail art products correctly; we explain how to do it in the video, using a few simple steps.

White spots on the nails: what is leukonychia

Hands are our business card and when the nail is beautiful and healthy, you don't even need to make a manicure with nail polish to be in order: if you look at them, do they have a shiny, smooth and pink surface? They are perfect!
Nevertheless, there are moments in life when we feel dull or in poor shape and even the nails tend to externalize our internal problems. A clear example of a damaged nail is when small, light-colored spots appear on the surface.
Leukonychia is a condition in which white lines or dots appear on the nails of the hands, but which can also appear on those of the feet. It is a very widespread nail discoloration and in general it does not cause specific discomfort in children nor in adults.
Many people have noticed this phenomenon at some point in their life and are perfectly healthy; in general it has also been seen that with a timely intervention, problems of this type are resolved in their entirety. The important thing is to intervene, to make our hands shine with their own light!

These minor complaints appear as small speckled spots on the nail, however on some individuals they look slightly different and affect the entire nail. They can also occur on one finger or more than one, with partial or total whitening of the nail plate.

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White spots on the nails: appearance and characteristics

It is very easy to recognize when you suffer from leukonychia: it happens every time you notice spots or whitish and irregular streaks on the nail. Usually the spots appear at the nail root and move towards the extremity over time, following the growth of the nail. "nail.
Leukonychia is often confused with leukoderma or apparent leukonychia, small spots but present in the underlying part, called the nail bed.
How to recognize a stain is it?
Apply a light pressure on the affected nail: if the stain disappears for an instant then it is apparent leukonychia, if it remains visible it is the "true" leukonychia.

The white spots on the nails are in fact accumulations of keratin, a protein very rich in sulfur and essential for the health of the nails, hair and skin in general.

There are 3 types of leukonychia that differ in the shape of the white spots:

  • leukonychia punctata: very common among children, it is when very small spots (from 1 to 3 millimeters) appear on the nails. The nail loses its natural transparency and tends to thicken;
  • total leukonychia: the nail becomes completely white and is a fairly rare phenomenon, but when it occurs it is due to hereditary factors;
  • leukonychia striata: when thin, parallel or transverse stripes appear on the nail. There are two sub-categories of this typology: Beau's lines and Muehrcke's lines. The former arise when the nail no longer grows due to specific diseases such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, gastric disorders, bone fractures, anemia, pneumonia, scarlet fever, measles and mumps; the latter are horizontal and cross the entire nail. Usually they are a symptom of lack of mineral salts and vitamins or of little blood flow to the nail bed and of kidney and liver diseases.

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White spots on the nails: possible causes

It is not always easy to understand what these stains on the nails come from, but fortunately there are cases where their origin is quite clear and identifiable. Our nails reflect our state of health and it goes without saying that if they show alterations, it will mean that our body is also going through some form of deterioration. Let's see together what are the most common causes behind the formation of white spots on the nails.

  • Microtraumas, i.e. injuries of the nail bed. They appear especially during the period of childhood because the hands of children are very subject to undergo small lesions that alter the cells of the nail plate, a tissue that has not yet fully matured at an early age. The possible blows and the various alterations therefore determine the formation of the famous light spots, which over the days migrate towards the outermost part of the nail, until they disappear. Even adults are not exempt from leukonychia and it is the case of badly executed or too aggressive manicures / pedicures, gel manicures or simply with acrylic (manicure microtraumas). In these cases it is more likely that you will notice white streaks, rather than specks.

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  • Nutritional deficiencies. Perhaps it is one of the lesser known causes of leukonychia, and it does not affect directly, but still makes the nail very fragile and vulnerable, so much so that it breaks easily. The deficiency is of mineral salts such as calcium, iron and zinc and also of vitamins such as A and B6.
  • Liver and blood disorders: such as cirrhosis and iron deficiency. For those who suffer from it, the appearance of white spots on the nails is a possible indication of anemia.
  • Fungal infections; also called onychomycosis. These develop mainly in the toenails because it is here that there is a high level of humidity. Fungal infections alter the color and appearance of the nail;
  • Growth dysfunctions. It may happen that the spots are interpreted as a symptom of a disordered keratinization; while in others it is seen as a defect in nail growth, causing air bubbles to form in the nail structure.
  • Manicure performed by inexperienced hands or prolonged application of nail polishes, which do not allow the nail to breathe.
  • Allergic reactions to a nail polish, polish, hardener or nail polish remover.

Finally, leukonychia can be caused by other pathological conditions, disorders or diseases of various severity, among which the most important are nail biting, seborrheic dermatitis, hyperthyroidism, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

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White spots on the nails: how they are treated

Depending on the symptoms presented, the doctor will direct you to the most correct treatment. In principle, these rules of good conduct apply: keep a correct and balanced diet, rich in vitamins, mineral salts and essential amino acids. Don't forget to hydrate yourself sufficiently as water is one of the very first remedies that keeps the nail healthy and shiny.

Obviously these are parameters to be considered when the disturbance is minor; if the spots reflect more serious disorders such as those related to the liver, infections or other pathologies, the triggering problem must be treated. Fixed the noise, the white spots on the nails will disappear automatically. To summarize in a few words, this cause-cure scheme could be outlined:

  • white spot present in the terminal part of the nail ---> it is removed with the cut of the nail, as soon as it grows a little. Do not use limes or bleaches in order not to further stress the affected part;
  • spots caused by nutritional deficiencies ---> provide a healthy, balanced diet;
  • diffuse spots (generated by fungal infections) ---> First defeat the infection with specific products and only then evaluate the state of the nail, it could already return to its place once the microorganism is eradicated;
  • stain arising from liver problems ---> treat liver dysfunction;
  • spots on nails due to mineral deficiency ---> supplement the diet by contacting a nutritionist;
  • white spots from aggressive manicure ---> nourish the nail with natural products based on beeswax, essential oils rich in vitamin E or thanks to compresses based on white yogurt and lemon.

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